"I want everyone who attends my will signing event to all sign a legal contract stating that they may not tell anyone about me until I've finished my schooling that includes collage or if I tell them myself," I said crossing my arms.

"So a confidentiality agreement?" He frowned.

"Yes, and everyone will have to sign it, the cooks, the cleaners, the waiters, every single person, and if they refuse their not allowed to come," I crossed my arms with a smirk.

"Do you know how difficult that'll be there's over a hundred people attending the event," he groaned slouching and not acting to professional.

"It's either that or there will be no one allowed to come," I shrugged and the car stopped, arriving at where ever we were going in the first place.

"I will make the correct preparations," he grumbled as I got out after Toby.

We had arrived at a massive sky scraper in one of the more city like parts in town. It was called Tiaras and I rolled my eyes. Grumpy old hag named a sky scraper after her...

I noticed a few press standing inside the lobby probably waiting for someone, they looked bored and ignored me as I walked through followed by Toby as mr Garneto hadn't come with us.

"He told me to just say your name as a reservation," Toby mumbled pulling my suitcase and we walked up to the front desk.

"Hello, there should be a room under Jackie Skye," I smiled at the lady she smiled back and clicked on her computer.

"I'm sorry but there's no rooms under Skye, I apologise, maybe it was under his name?" She asked nodding her head at Toby.

"Try, Jackie Conserntlia," I whispered probably not loud enough given the confused look on her face.

"Pardon miss, could you speak up," she frowned.

Someone behind me clear their throat, I turned around frowning as I saw a boy about my age with golden blonde hair and blue eyes.

"You must be miss Skye," he smirked and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah and you are?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Here's your key mr Conserntlia," the lady whispered handing him something.

"Conserntlia?" I questioned.

"Yep the one and only," he grinned and I noticed all the press rush outside as if they'd found something worth take a picture of.

"Try Jackie Conserntlia," I sighed to the lady.

"Oh please you can't just pretend to be the heir, not just after Taylor said he was," the lady said snottily.

"Taylor," I laughed, I remembered this idiot from when I was little, "Tay-Tay."

"Jackie legs, wow, you've grown," he grinned.

"Nah shit, the last time I saw you I was like five," I rolled my eyes.

"Who's this?" He questioned gesturing to Toby.

"My brother, Toby," I smiled.

"Well we better get you out of the lobby, I think the press have stopped chasing my fake celebrity," Taylor laughed and I turned back to the lady smiling sweetly.

"I want my key, please," I said sickly sweetly and she shook as she gave it too me.

"Thank you," I smiled and walked off to the elevator with Toby and Taylor.

Toby Taylor... Hehehe.

"So your our heir?" Taylor asked once the doors on the elevator closed and we started going up to the top floor, the penthouse.

BadGirl?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن