You walked up to your locker and begin putting in your combination. 15-01-06. It took you three times for the locker to open, you were on the struggle bus of opening it up. It also didn't help that you smacked your locker a couple times, getting some questionable looks for other students.

You put unnecessary notebooks and textbooks into your locker when a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a chin on your shoulder.

"Still up for our study date tonight, Aunt May said you can stay for dinner and possibly the night since we don't have school tomorrow. It's your favorite food," Peter said, giving you a peck on the cheek.

"Spaghetti and meatballs? And a sleepover?" You ask, spinning your head around to see his face. Peter nods his head, making you grin wildly at him. Than it only took a solid two seconds before you began giggling again.

He rolls his eyes at me, "and here goes Giggles again doing her famous giggling nonsense."

"I told you, I can't help it!" You slam your locker shut, it will not defeat you in this stupid battle, and turn around to face Peter. "Let's go, and then, maybe, I will tell you why I keep giggling."

The whole time walking back to Peter's apartment, he silently prayed that he had to do no Spider-Man business tonight. And so were you.

Most of the time, the walk was in silence between the two of you. Listening to the cars while holding each other's hands. But you still occasionally giggled like a five year old, making Peter smile and roll his eyes at you.

"Hey Aunt May, I'm home with Y/N, don't embarrass me." Peter yells in the apartment, after closing the door behind you.

"You know I will!" Aunt May calls from the kitchen. She emerges from the other room, wiping her hands on a towel and tossing it over the couch so she can give you and Peter a hug. "How's my favorite nephew and his girlfriend doing?" Peter shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to say.

"Well, I've been good, but it was a really busy day today." You say, pulling away from Aunt May so you could put your backpack on the couch.

"Hey Peter," Aunt May calls, putting her hand on her hip, "why-"

"Shh, Aunt May don't tell him." You giggle, putting a finger on your lip.

"Y/N, what aren't you telling me!" Peter whines, throwing his backpack on the couch next to yours. You start giggling again, looking away from Peter so it wasn't obvious. "Aunt May, she's been acting like this all day. Giggling, smiling weirdly at me, and still won't tell me what's making her laugh, and I know it has to do something with me."

Aunt May lets out a little laugh and turns back towards the kitchen. "I'm just going to let you figure it out on your own. Now you two, go and study, I'll call you when dinner is ready, just keep the door open."

Peter rolls his eyes at his Aunt May and drags you into his room, closing the door because come on, she kidding, right? Oh, and Aunt May said to go and study, yet you and Peter threw your backpacks on the couch. Not bothering to take them with you.

"Now," Peter whispers into your ear as he closes the door behind him, "would you like to tell me why you are so giggly today?"

You shake your head, "nope, in your dreams, Pretty Boy."

Peter smirks down at you, "fine then, if this is how you want to play." He grabs you by the waist and pulls you over his shoulder. Peter spins you around in a circle and tosses you onto his bed. He climbs over you so he could begin tickling your sides, making you giggle even more. "What's so funny, Missy? Care to tell me or am I going have to keep tickling you?"

You pull his hands away from your sides, and give him the best serious face you could. "Peter Benjamin Parker, you keep your webby fingers away from me."

"Then tell me why I'm so funny today?" Peter said with a goofy grin on his face.

"How about, no," you smirk at him. Peter smirks back at you and he lets his body fall on top of yours. "You're crushing my bones with your fat body." You say, slapping his back as he gives you lots of neck and cheek kisses.

"Nah, have you seen my abs? They are on point," Peter says and contained giving you more kisses.

"Of course I have seen your abs, not get off of me!" You whine, running your hands through the back of his head.

Peter looks up at you, while you continue running your hands through his hair. "Do you want to tell me now?"

"Well, I'll tell you that you have Spider-Man underwear on." You smirk, making Peter into instant panic mode. "I think it's cute that you have your own superhero underwear on," you tease.

"And h-how would y-you know that?" Peter stutters in a nervous tone.

"Amore Mio, your fly has been down all day, that's why I have been giggling." You poke Peter's nose and smile at him. He jumps probably ten feet off of you, thanks to his spider powers, and rolls over onto his back. Peter quickly pulls the zipper up on his pants, acting like nothing was wrong.

"A-and its b-been like that all d-day?" Peter stutters again.

"Have I been laughing all day?" You ask him, which he sadly nods at you while his cheeks heats up to a darker shade of red.

Peter lets out a loud groan. "I'm never wearing jeans again."

"Ah, come on, they look good on you, especially on your butt." You wink, making him grin just a little bit.

"But you know where they would look better?" Peter asks.

You tilt your head, "where would your jeans look better?"

"On my floor."

I can't tell if this is cringe or adorable

Also I'm in a pissy mood at the moment so I'm deciding to POST A STORY

also, when is the bean ever not adorable?

I mean he looks so miserable, but 😍 I want to feed him grilled cheeses to make him feel better 😂

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I mean he looks so miserable, but 😍 I want to feed him grilled cheeses to make him feel better 😂

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