One of Y/N's favorite things to watch about Tom are the live interviews he does. At the moment, he on the new Facebook Live stuff, answers questions and sitting on a dark blue couch.

"Who was your first crush?" Tom reads out from the tablet in front of him. He makes a funny and confused face into the camera before answering the question. "You know the Broadway Star Y/N L/N? We went to the same dance studio and became best friends until we parted ways, but she was my first crush and technically still is." Tom instantly blushes into the camera, knowing that he just admitted to one of his celebrity crushes online and live. "Anyways, next question." He continues and tries to cover up the mess he just created.

This made Y/N want to scream with joy. Tom still remembers who she is, no he knows who she is and has a crush on her. After a few minutes of just sitting in shock, her phone began blowing up with notifications from loads of different people.

But there is no time to stress and figure all this stuff out, there's an Anastasia show on tonight and Y/N must calm herself down because her nerves have just kicked in.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, chill out!" Jeremy yells through the phone. He's been seeing all the recent Twitter action, which Y/N has been ignoring. And it so happens that Y/Ship/N between Tom and Y/N have been trending all night. "All you have is this performance, than you can go home and watch all the Netflix, it's Monday tomorrow. You have this week off, so breathe and take on this show." Jermey has been trying to encourage Y/N for the past ten minutes because she is still freaking out over what Tom said earlier today. But just as Jermey said, breath.

Act one has just gotten over, thank god, which means only half the show to do left. Checking the phone was a mistake though, Y/N has the Twitter notifications on for Tom, who just so happen to tweet this three minutes ago.

@ tomholland1996- what's better than spending Sunday in New York City? nothing, the answer is nothing

The tweet, of course, made Y/N smile, but panicky because New York City is were Y/N is right now.

As soon as Act two, or end of the show, got over, Y/N quickly rushed back to her room to ignore all people around her. All she wanted to do is change out of her tight costume, put on loose and comfy clothes, and curl up on the couch in her apartment. But with the huge crowd outside the theatre, she was going to have to wait for a long time, just like she always does.

There was a knock on Y/N's door, not aggressive like her manager or a random rhythm like what Jeremy would do, but a simple one.

"One second," Y/N calls to the person as she looks in her mirror to pull her hair into a loose bun. She got up from her chair and walked over to her door to open it, but who she saw was a sight to remember.

Tom Holland in somewhat fancy clothes, his hair is in nicer shape than it was at the Facebook place, and he's holding out one white Gardenia and a bunch of pink Tulips. All Y/N could do was place her hands over her shocked face and try not to cry from her returning long lost friend.

"You have no idea how long I have waited to come and see you, and after blowing up your phone and being in New York City at the same time, I thought tonight would be it." Tom said with a huge smile on his face. "I also got you these," he awkwardly held the flowers in his hands, not knowing what to do with them now.

Y/N quickly took the flowers, taking Tom a little bit by surprise, and shoved them on a nearby table. All she wants to do is hug him, and that's what she did. Tom hugged her back as well, wrapping his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his chest.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say those words." Y/N smiles to herself and rest her head on the crook of Tom's neck. Some tears began to silently fall off her face, but they were happy tears. "It's been almost ten years since I have seen you."

"Ten years too many," Tom repeats. "But in those ten years, I have always wondered, why did you give me such weird flowers after my first Billy Elliot show? So I did research and found out why, so I thought I give them back."

"That's why I did it in the first place, secret love and fame. Those were the key things I went off of as an eleven year old child." Y/N laughs and finally pulls away from Tom after a very long hug. "Come in, come in," Y/N motions and she's closes the door behind her. She sat in her dressing area chair while Tom sat on a couch nearby.

For the rest of the night, until the theatre cleared to leave, Tom and Y/N caught up about what's been happening to them for the last ten years or so. Afterwards they went over to Y/N's apartment, since Tom is staying in a hotel with his brother and his best friend Harrison.

Before Tom left for the night, they exchanged phone numbers, and took a picture of Y/N kissing Tom on the cheek. At first it caught him by surprise, but he went with it and loved every second of it.

And so Tom came back. Y/N loved him, she let him free, and he came back.


I know I'm a little late on the thanks yous, but I've been busy with things and stuff and things.

And if you couldn't tell from this story, I'm a theatre nerd 🤓

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