Sly:Now!He said looking at her then back at Nashaé as Kayla was leaving Nashaé whispered in Kami ear

Nashaé:Go find stuff and keep your eyes open.Kami nodded and followed Kayla out as Ember closed the door back and followed Shaé back their seats

Sly:OK now its just us grown ups here I can say what needs to be said Shaé and Ember how old are you?He said pouring everybody drinks

Ember:We seventeen.She said getting an attitude as Nashaé was just sitting staring at Késhaun while his momma seen the vibe between them which made her put her check book up

Sly:Seventeen and Seventeen...Wait Nashaé aren't you little bit to young for my nephew here?He said passing a drink to Késhaun and Lexa

Nashaé:When we realized the age difference had a gap we decided we would not let that get in the way when we was together

Sly:Oooh "when we was together" does that mean those hickey's on your the right side of your neck and tittie came from somebody else then?He said invading Nashaé's personal space making Lexa and Késhaun uncomfortable how close he was

Ember:Back off.She said almost grabbing her gun

Nashaé: Make your point.Shaé said unbothered by him being up in her face and Sly notice she was unbothered he laughed an got up

Sly:The point is that you're grown or at least you like to think you are running around the city fucking,shooting your gun,putting people in jail and trying to finish what ya brother started years ago playing heartless not giving a shit about who or what's in your path but that's all gone stop today.He said the sipped his drink

Nashaé:Today why?She said with her finger on her chin with her eyes going side to side making Lexa smile

Sly:Well let me tell you why, why because it's only two ways this could end safe and is you take the money and forget the case or dangerous, find out what really happened to Hakeem and it happens to somebody else you love or maybe to you...your choice.He said sitting on his desk when Nashaé laughed and got up

Nashaé:Well this was a huge upset but not so much I should've known better when you started talking about my age and what and who I'm doing on my free time but one stood out you said shooting which makes me think you either picked that up from the stand down out front but I didn't draw my gun first my sister did or maybe Késhaun told about my gun situation or better yet you know something more then you saying so how about you tell me what you know about my family and I consider taking the cash deal?She said he his face as he looked her up and down

Sly:Let us have the room.He said as everybody looked at eachother getting up Késhaun was heading out but he looked back at Nashaé but she rolled her eyes and he closed the door and Sly was just staring her body

Nashaé:I highly doubted that you cleared the room to have a staring contest.She said as he laughed

Sly:My apologies I'm still trying to wrap my head around how a girl like yourself takes on the world trying to find answers no matter the cost...can you tell me why is that

Nashaé: Its simple courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace....

Sly:Ok now we getting somewhere what are you afraid of....

He said he grabbing Nashaé off her feet and placed her on his desk knocking things over

Sly:Is it not being in control....

He said as grabbed her from off the desk and put her hands over head looking her in her eye as she struggled trying to get loose from the wall

Sly:...Or knowing you probably will meet your maker under someone else's terms.He said as Nashaé was scared but she couldn't bring herself to say something and Sly grinned

Sly:Jinkies...Velma doesn't got an answer this time.He said as he used his other hand to fondled Nashaé then unzipped her jackie slowly while trying to kiss her

Nashaé:Get off of me.Shaé squealed as Sly hands found its way up her shirt

Sly:Safe or Dangerous Nashaé pick.

The office door opened and DeAngelo appeared as he seen what was happening so he hurried and closed the door back and Sly turned to see who it was and then he let Nashaé go and backed away from her as she looked at DeAngelo grabbed her stuff and ran in the bathroom and locked the door then turned on the water and pulled out her phone and texted Kami and Ember

Kami:Go to the car & crank up.

Ember:Come back to the office I'm in the bathroom.

After Shaé sent the text she notice a makeup bag and got up off the floor and looked through it and grabbed a lipstick and then closed her eyes

Kami read Shaé text right when she was about to show Ember,Ember got Shaé text and Ember took charge

Ember:Go right now!She said throwing her car keys to Kami as she was running towards the stairs while Kami was running out the front door while Késhaun, his momma and sister was alarmed by their actions Késhaun followed Ember upstairs so did his mom and sister once Ember got there she was going off and Nashaé heared her but she was finishing her business

Ember:What the fuck happen! She said as she walked in on Sly talking to a guy as Késhaun and the girls trailed Késhaun eyes got big when he didn't see Shaé but a sign of a struggle but he snapped out of it once he seen Ember about to hit his sister he ran to grab her once he got over there he got between them

Késhaun: Ma get her.She said pushing Kayla towards her while he grabbed Ember walking her to the bathroom while Kayla and Ember was still arguing with eachother while Sly and the other guy just sat there laughing when the bathroom door opened and everybody got quiet and turned their attention towards Nashaé coming out Késhaun ran to her side but Shaé looked at him backing away from him

Nashaé: Don't.Don't touch me.She said looking at Késhaun then she looked at Sly and her and Ember left out the room and Késhaun looked at Sly with his arms out

Késhaun: What happen? He asked as Sly went to sit at his desk and DeAngleo went to the window he was watching Ember put Nashaé in the back seat when she got in the passenger side Kami drove off

Késhaun sat down rubbing his head as his momma tried to calm his sister down while Sly was observing Késhaun's reaction to what just happen his thoughts lead him to believe that his nephew was becoming soft DeAngelo walked across the room to get to the bathroom

Lexa:So what did she pick anyway?She asked as Késhaun looked at Sly and Sly picked up his drink and looked at Késhaun when DeAngelo spoke

DeAngelo:Sly you might want to come look at this.

Késhaun got up and ran to the bathroom as DeAngelo was looking at the mirror he looked at it also and ran out the office as Sly walked in the bathroom and looked at the mirror and smiled when Lexa came in and she seen her lipstick on the floor and the mirror with writing on it

Lexa:What's that?

Sly:Her answer.He said smiling as tapped DeAngelo on the shoulder they walked out as Lexa was staring at the word dangerous written in red lipstick on the mirror and Sly sat back at his desk when DeAngelo phoned ringed

DeAngelo:Yea dad...that's perfect,how long ago....alright I'll tell him.He hangs up the phone

DeAngelo: They got a location on DeMarco and Malik so what's next

Sly:See when does FYL, Jaceon and Sasha gets a hearing and find out where Nashaé them are staying til then Christmas is tomorrow. He said with a grin

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