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Thank you guys so much for reading it really means a lot to me.

I hope you enjoyed!

If you have any final questions on the story, a character or the plot, don't hesitate to comment, because if there are enough questions I'll add a chapter just to answer them.

I'm already started on my new book, but it wont be posted for a few months because I always like to finish the book before posting. Just cuz I tend to change details a lot while writing so it would be annoying for you guys.

Follow my Instagram and I'll try and do the same. Just comment you're from wattpad and ill follow back.

Art acc ((most likely to follow back)) @amateur._.creativity

Personal acc ((I'm on private so Idk if I'll add many))

I just seriously can't believe I hit 1k on August 10th and then 2k on October 19th of 2017.  And I can't believe that now I'm at 3k reads as of March 2018

You guys are amazing!

Thank you again! <3


Evangeline ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu