Chapter 38

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Chapter 38
Edit: 1-06/23

Song of the chapter is The Memory by Mayday Parade

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Song of the chapter is The Memory by Mayday Parade



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"I can tell you're in love." She said knowingly. George and her were mates as well so she completely understood the bond and attraction. "You are going to get married?" She asked.


Mates a lot of the time did not get married. Since they already had marks, many didn't see a reason to spend more money on a ceremony. Some say there is no point since the know they love each other and they don't need a huge celebration.

But I had other plans. I wanted to have a big royal ceremony with my mate to show everyone how fond we are of each other. It shows others just how much we belong together and will be amazing at ruling our species kind in the supernatural world.

She walked to the back of the store, behind one of the display cases that were filled with different rings. "Young love. How precious." She said smiling back. "Is there anything specific you were thinking of?"

"Not really. I was looking at a few things online, but none of them seemed right. I thought that someone more 'professional' could help me." I explained. Nothing ever really stood out to me while I was focused on my mate.

"Of course. You want the ring to be perfect. So tell me about her and I will find you that perfect ring." Another smile made it's way onto my lips while thinking about her.

"She's amazing, her personality is flawless and she is so so beautiful," I said.

She chuckled. "I assumed so dear. But talk to me about what she likes."

"Well, um she loves nature, flowers specifically," I said and took another minute. "She has an obsession with the color blue." I chuckled with a big grin on my face. "Also-"

"I think I might have something, but sadly, it does not come cheap. Follow me." I did as the little old woman said and followed her to behind another counter.

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