Chapter 4-Mandrakes

Start from the beginning

  "For threatening me!" She said, as she fake cried.

  "Don't cry, you little big baby. You'll be skinny one day," I told her, she glared at me as I laughed out loud that all students from Slytherin can hear, as I saw Draco smiling at me.

  "Let's just go to bed, I'm tired of you teasing me," she told me, as I followed her up into the girl's dormitory. I saw my trunk laying down at the side of my bed, as well as my owl cage. I lay down at my bed feeling really tired, as I started worrying at Harry and Ron once again, I closed my eyes and after for awhile I felt an owl flew down on my forehead, I opened my eyes and saw my owl, Charcoal, that had placed a letter on my stomach as I heard Millicent snickered. I shoo Charcoal our of my face and sat down getting my letter, it was from Hermione, I ripped the envelope open and folded the letter open, as I started reading it.

  "Dear Y/N,

  Harry and Ron had just arrived after the feast, Professor Snape had almost got them expelled! Thank Merlin, that Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall got in time before Professor Snape could expell them. You have no idea what Harry and Ron's story is, they said that they had missed the train and used Mr. Weasley's magical flying car to get here in Hogwarts! When they got here they got stuck in the Whomping Willow! What were they thinking they could have been expelled!

Your best friend,
Hermione," I finished reading Hermione's letter, as I sighed, do Hermione really just think of Harry and Ron trying expelled than being killed by the Whomping Willow? I thought to myself, putting Hermione's meter down at my bed side table, I stood up and changed into some comfortable clothes, I lay down on my bed closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

  The next morning, I woke up by a groan from the bed next to mine. I opened my eyes and saw Millicent groaning loudly like a cat, I yawn and stretched my arms as I rub my face with my both hands. I stood up and started to get change, I put on my Slytherin robe and took my shoes and wore them. I got my small bag inside was my books, quill and parchments, I walked out of the dormitory with Millicent by my side as she was holding her cat, she put her cat down as we got out from the portrait hole. We hed down to the Great Hall seeing students eating their breakfast, I sat down in the Slytherin table seeing Draco with his servants- I mean gang by his side eating breakfast, I took a glance at the Gryffindor table not spotting Hermione, Ron and Harry from the Gryffindor table. Millicent started having a conversation with the other Slytherins as I patiently waited for Hermione, Ron and Harry to appear at the Great Hall whiles eating a piece of toast. After for awhile of waiting, Harry, Hermione and Ron appeared at the Great Hall.

  "I'll be right back," I said to Millicent, as she nodded. She didn't have to ask where I was going, she already know that I was going to the Gryffindor table to see Harry, Hermione and Ron. I stood up from the Slytherin table still getting a pathetic look from the other Slytherins as I made my way to the Gryffindor table. "Hey guys!" I greeted them smiling, as they greerd and smiled back.

  "Did you got my letter last night?" asked Hermione, as I nodded.

  "Yeah, I did. And for Merlin's beard, what were you two thinking?! You could have been seen! You could have died from that Whomping Willow! You could have been expelled!" I told them, worried.

  "Calm down, Y/N," said Harry.

  "You sounded like Snape last night," muttered Ron. Neville Long bottom was just sitting right next to us.

  "Mail's due any minute - I think Gran's sending a few things I forgot." said Neville, right after Neville had said this different kind of owls started flying in the Great Hall, as I saw the only all black owl that is my owl, Charcoal, he stood among from the rest of the owls because of the color of his feather, he landed in front of me with the Daily Prophet. A big, lumpy package had bounced off to Neville's head, and a second later, something large and gray fell into Hermione's jug, spraying them all with milk and feathers.

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