Chapter 24 - Apologies

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"Apologizing does not always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego." - Mark Matthews

Sasuke froze at his brother's words while Itachi continued to walk down the hallway, towards the entrance.

The raven haired man shook his head. From inside the room could be heard a loud cry. Memories started coming back to him. His daughter... He let Sakura pregnant. This is the consequence of not knowing that your brother will come back to life. Otherwise, he would have been more careful.

Both of them didn't bother to use a condom since they took seriously Daisuke's wish of having a sibling. Itachi was dead, after all. He knew that Sakura didn't love him but she liked children and always wished to have at least three. And he... Well... He did this because he loved her and really wanted to hold in his arms a piece of them both. But not like this. Not when his brother was back. Not by wrecking a family.

He took a deep breath and entered the room. The cry stopped. Sakura was currently breastfeeding the baby while tears ran down her face. The other doctors decided to leave the roon as soon as he stepped in, leaving the two of them alone. He didn't know what to say. He felt guilty.

You could see on her face how much Itachi's recent rejection hurt her.

"Hey..." he said awkwardly. Her eyes moved to the figure that stood next to her bed. The little child bit her nipple, hurting her, but she didn't care. The pain from her chest was greater than this.

Sasuke observed the girl's black hair with blue reflections. He gulped. No wonder that Itachi figured out so fast that the baby isn't his.

"Sasuke-kun..." she cried.

His face softened.

"He shouldn't have been that hard on you. It's all my fault." he said bending down and watching the baby closely.

She shook her head. "We couldn't have known."

He pressed his lips in a thin line. Sakura used one hand to wipe her tears.

"She finished eating. Do you want to hold her?" she smiled weakly.

He hesitantly extended his arms, taking the little girl. He brought her to her chest, holding her carefully like he may break it. It reminded him of Daisuke when he was born.

The baby gave him a teethless smile and he couldn't help but smile too.

"She is so precious." he told Sakura. The little girl gripped tight one of her father's fingers. "Sakura... Thank you for this." he said sincerly. He won't admit out loud but he loved children and always wished to have one. But his dreams were crushed when Itachi returned because this pink haired kunoichi was the only woman in the world fit to carry his child. Ironic.

"Itachi is mad at me..." she spoke with tears in her eyes. His head jerked up towards her.

"I don't think so. He loves you and I know damn well that he will forgive you. He only has to process this thing."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's not easy to build your hopes up and see the crushed. He is my brother, we have to solve this somehow." Sasuke smiled gently at Sakura.


Itachi slammed the door shut to his house and went straight to his bedroom, but before he could enter, Daisuke's voice stopped him.

"Is mama alright?"

He clentched his fist and wiped his tears so his son couldn't see them. He turned around facing him.

"Yes, she is. She just gave birth."

Daisuke's eyes lit up with excitement.

"You were right... You have a sister."

Daisuke smiled, running to his room to search through the things that he brought with his own money for the child. He knew it. His instincts never failed him. The little Uchiha picked up the small pink onesie with a flower in the middle of it.

"I can't wait to see you, sister."

Itachi collapsed on the bed and closed his eyes trying to understand when his life became so complicated.


It was already morning and Sasuke and Sakura's parents were here, visiting their grandchild. Her mother caressed the small cheek.

"She's so cute." the blonde woman giggled. "But really Sakura, your situation is too complicated." she said, this time being serious.

"I know, mom. I will figure it out." she answered sadly.

The door was open and inside stepped Itachi, holding Daisuke's hand. A silence fell upon the room as all the eyes were on them.

"Mamaaa!" Daisuke jumped on the bed, hugging his mother. He looked at his sister and gasped.

"She is so beautiful." he said, caressing his sister's cheek. "Oh, I brought something." he showed his mother the small onesie. Sakura gasped.

"It's so pretty, sweety. I am sure she'll love it."

"Can we dress her in it when we take her home?"


Daisuke turned towards his grandparents.

"Grandma, grandpa, I've missed you." they both hugged their grandson giggling.

"We've missed you too. But let's go and talk outside. Your sister has to sleep." Sakura's mother told Daisuke, sending her daughter a sugestive look. Daisuke nodded.

After they were all out, Itachi exhaled.

"I'm sorry... For yesterday. I was just shocked. I needed to process it." he smiled weakly at her. Sakura looked into her lap, avoiding his gaze.

"I felt ridiculous. The doctors saw everything and I cried all night, holding my daughter and wondering where did I go wrong." she started crying. Itachi felt his chest clentching at the sight in front of him.

"I should have known that I will hurt you..." he said, moving his gaze to the ground. "I am an idiot, Sakura. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I just keep hurting you." he felt the corners of his eyes itching. "This isn't fair. This isn't what you deserve. You brought me back to make you feel miserable." he clentched his fists. "You deserve much better than me yet I can't let you go and act like a total asshole whenever I think about someone else touching you. Yes, I'm selfish." he moved his eyes to his brother. "But at a deeper level, it's still my fault. I should have told you the truth from the moment we fell in love and stay with you, build with you. Now what? I blamed you for something that is entirely my fault."

"It's not..." he heard her weak voice.

"Yes, it is. A flower like you couldn't just die, you needed affection to keep you glowing and you found it." he gritted his teeth. "I don't hate any of you. Nor the child. I actually love that girl like it's mine and that won't ever change. Because... She grew in your womb hearing my voice, feeling my touches and kisses."

Sasuke felt a lump in his throat at his brother's words. He was right. Conparing to the older Uchiha, he was shit. He left her like a coward.

"I waited for her to be born. And I intend to stay in her life. I am selfish." he ended his emotional speech, leaving Sakura in tears. She stretched her hand towards him. He took her hand and held it tight.

"Thank you..." she whispered.

A knock was heard at the door, and the woman who helped Sakura deliver stepped in with a huge grin which easly faded when she saw the two Uchiha men. She cleared her throat.

"We have to complete her files. I need... The father's name."

Sasuke stepped forward.

"Sasuke Uchiha."

Itachi threw him a deadly look.

"No, it's Itachi Uchiha."

Sasuke turned towards his brother, gripping tightly his collar.

Forbidden (ItaSaku; SasuSaku) - Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang