Chapter 1 - A part of him

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"I guess I should have reacted the way most of the other girls were, but I couldn't get myself to react. I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo." - Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

It's been one week. One week since her lover passed away. One week since she felt that her heart was ripped from her chest. She couldn't think about anything. All that was in her mind were memories. She was even out of tears. She cried day and night without stopping and it worried her parents. She never left her room, not even for dinner, her mom had to bring her food to her room but even so, she often refused to eat. Her body got even skinnier and her dad called one day the Hokage to come and take a look at her but Sakura didn't want to speak with anyone. She ran out of tears.

She was caressing the photo that Konan gave her.

Everybody thought that she have been through a trauma while she was kidnapped and that they tortured her. It wasn't far from the truth, what happened really was a trauma. Only Naruto knew the truth but he swore not to tell. She bit her lower lip and got up from the bed. She could barely stand on her feet.

She needed to find out how Naruto, Kakashi, Sai and Yamato found her at the hideout. They also found the Gedo statue and extracted the tailed beasts and put Sakura to punch it and break it. All the way home she tripped very often and Naruto and Kakashi had to carry her on their back. Her parents started to cry of happiness for seeing their daughter safe and sound but they see now that she is not the same Sakura. She is just an empty shell. What did they do to her?

She passed by her mom who was preparing lunch but paid no mind.

"Sakura dear are you going out?" she didn't respond. She just took her ninja boots and got out, heading for Naruto's apartment. Everyone looked at her as she passed by the crowded streets. Everyone felt pity for her and knew her as the girl tortured by Akatsuki because no one could escape from them alive. She hated the looks on their stupid faces. She became short tempered and just wanted to punch the hell out of their faces.

As she got to her friend's apartment she knocked twice. He answered with a big grin planted in his face. She, on the other hand, had a pale sad face with dried tears on it and lifeless eyes. The eyes that once were the most beautiful from Konoha.

"Hello Sakura-chan. Come in."

She got in and sat on the bed.

"How did you guys find me?" she asked in her weak voice.

Naruto rubbed his chin as he though about if he should tell her or not.

"Itachi sent me a letter a day earlier through his crow. He gave the details about the hideout."

Sakura gripped the sheets underneath, her lips trembling. Only his name made her wanting to scream. She had bandages around her wrists and the cuts hurt when she forcefully gripped the sheets. She started to self harm the next day that they arrived. The pain that she gave herself was more bearable than the pain that Itachi gave her.

Naruto looked serious at her.

"Sakura-chan. You have to eat and let us help you. You can't get through it only by yourself." he said putting a hand on her shoulder. She nodded.

"Then let's spare." she said looking him dead in the eyes.

"But you are weak."

She angrily got up from the bed which made her a bit dizzy but tried to hide it. She hated to be called weak. They always thought that they were better than her. The only one who thought that she was strong was gone.

"Stop calling me that!" she screamed in his face. He was a bit taken aback by her sudden reaction.

"Alright, alright." he said trying to calm her down. He decided to do it if it would make her happy but he will go soft on her. He couldn't afford to damage her more or granny Tsunade would kill him for wrecking her most precious pupil. Well, her only pupil.


She threw a fist full of chakra on the ground, breaking it. Naruto jumped back. That seal on her forehead was the same as the Hokage's and granted her incredible power, he thought. She charged at him but he dodged making her break a tree in half. His eyes widened.

"Rasengan!" he screamed as he tried to get close and make her  dodge but she froze. That one word brought back a certain memory when her lover and Naruto fought for her and she was on the edge of dying. Perhaps ot would have been better. She wouldn't have this pain on her shoulders now.

"Damn it, Sakura, move!" Naruto screamed. Tears started running down her face again. Just do it, she thought. End my misery and let me go to him...

The Rasengan faded and Naruto stopped his hand right in front of her stomach. She felt her chakra drained and couldn't figure out why. She only punched the ground once and had the seal which granted her a high amout of chakra. Was it because she haven't eaten? No. But what was the reason?

She felt dizzy and her vision blurred. Soon enough, her body went limp and she fell on the ground.

"Kuso! Sakura!" Naruto screamed.

He picked her up bridal style and ran and jumped over the buildings towards the hospital.


Sakura woke up starring at a white ceiling and the smell of the hospital invaded her nostril. She could hear some faint "beeps" coming from somewhere. She looked at her side and saw Tsunade and Naruto talking to a doctor.

"Oh, you're awake!" the blonde doctor exclamed happily.

Sakura's eyes were empty as she stared at her.

"Your friend brought you here because you were low on chakra." she took a glance at Tsunade before she continue but the Hokage only nodded.

"It appears that... Congrulations, you're pregnant!"


Itachi: Tch, so am I not in this book? Isn't this about me?
Author: Not everything is about you! But you will be, patience my darling.
Itachi: So do I get more lemons with Sakura?
Author: ...
*Sakura hits Itachi*: Baka.

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