Chapter 2 - His legacy

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"We all have a reason for living I am blessed mine has two eyes a heartbeat and calls me mum." - Nikki Rowe

"P-pregnant?" Sakura stared nowhere in particular. Her eyes were wide open. Tsunade watched her with pity. She was only 17 and was supposed to go through the pain of birth and Kami knows what they did to her...

"Yes. Apparently, the child is sucking your chakra. This thing is new but we assumed that is happens because the child holds a stronger chakra and it needs more of the regular chakra to complete the lack of it. You didn't have any symptoms like vomiting and being dizzy?"

Sakura moved her eyes to the doctor and shook her head.

"Alright then. You have to take it easy but we'll inject you some Senju chakra from Hashirama to boost your own chakra. Orherwise, you won't survive this pregnancy." she nodded again. She didn't know what to say. Everything happened too fast. His death and now she was a single mother that will raise her child on her own. What will the child think? Will she or he ask about the other missing parent? How could she protect her child from bullies when they will tell them that their father was a criminal, a murderer who killed his grandma and grandpa? How will the child take all of these?

"Can you let us alone, please?" Tsunade whispered to the doctor. She nodded.

After the door was closed, inside the room were only Naruto, Tsunade and Sakura. Naruto seemed to be deep in thoughts but the Hokage paid no mind. She bent down to be on the same level as her only pupil. She could see the pain written all over her beautiful face and it made her heart ache. She was like the daughter she never had, afterall.

"Sakura, you can abort it." she put her hand on top of the pink kunoichi's hand, squeezing it gently.

"N-no." she responded her voice cracking. Naruto lifted his head and looked at his old teammate. He observed that she was more mature than ever.

"Sakura. You are only 17. A child is a great responsibility, I don't think you can-"

"If you don't want to get involved then fine, don't. I don't care if I have to raise it alone. I am gonna struggle on my own to give them a good life and be a good mother but I am never gonna abort them." she screamed, gripping the edge of the bed and cracking it because of her strenght. She was looking into Hokage's eyes with hatred. No, they won't kill the only thing that she has from him, the little proof of love that existed between them.

Tsunade was taken aback. She just nodded not wanting to argue with her. Perhaps at 17 years she knew better what's good for herself.

"Ok but let me ask you something... Who... Did this to you? Who... Raped you?" the sannin felt like she had a huge weight on her shoulders. Only the thought of Sakura being abused made her blood boil. It wasn't enough that they kidnapped her, but they used her body aswell for their own sick pleasure. Everyone knew that Akatsuki were dangerous, but they never thought that they could be like this, these scums...

Sakura looked at Naruto who just shook his head. She knew that her kid was in danger if she were to tell the truth. She was a traitor afterall and her kid was considered some pest, a mistake that was conceived by a rogue ninja. If they found out that she gave herself to him willingly, they may kill her and her child.

She let her head down, the tears streaming down her face.

"Y-yes I was raped but I don't know by who. It was dark..." she sobbed. Tsunade nodded. She embraced her in a tight hug, comforting her.

"We are waiting for your parents to arrive." Tsunade whispered into her hair. "Don't worry, I'll help you with anything you need, I will find you an apartment to raise your kid."

"Arigato." Sakura whispered.


After her parents arrived, they didn't take the news too well. Her mother fainted and her father started crying. It's rare to see a man cry but it's understandble. A parent can feel their child pain deeper than anyone. This is how strong the bond is. She was just a child, a sweet innocent child and she paid too much for the fact that she wanted to be a ninja, to be strong, to prove herself. How much can someone endure? Why was she punished like this? They feared for her, she wasn't mentally healed and this child could led to serious medical issues. How could her skinny and fragile body carry a pregnancy? It was the greatest pain known by humans and she was always a little fragile flower which needed to be protected.

She won't find a man, she won't marry because even though someone will fall in love with her, they will see the kid as a burden. Sure, they will love their grandchild no matter what and will help her with whatever she needs but they feared for her future. The kid will ask questions. What will she say? How could you explain something so complex to a toddler. Everyone around her promised to help her and take care of them  but it isn't enough. A child needs it's father no matter how cold hearted the father was towards the others.

The news spreaded fast and they reached the ears of everyone in less than one day. Her friends visited her, Iruka, Kakashi, Kurenai who was pregnant aswell and a future single mother. They were all by her side but nothing could make her smile.

She rubbed her belly thinking about how they will look. She hoped that if it was a boy, he won't have pink hair because he may hate it. She giggled imagining it.

She was now alone in the room, left with her thoughts. She got out of bed and looked outside the window. It was already evening and the streets were quiet. She was thinking about the fact that the pre Academy was in the process of building and her kid will be a part of the first generation. It was Kakashi's idea. Kids will learn there simple things like what chakra is, how to control it, how to throw kunais. She smiled.

Itachi won't be here to see them growing, their first day of Academy, their first words, first steps and the way they will say "I love you papa" but she made a silent promise to herself that she will tell them everything about him and will make sure that they will see him as the hero from the shadows that he was and her personal giardian angel who pulled her out from misery and loneliness.

"We love you, Itachi." she whispered looking at the sky and putting a hand on her belly.

Forbidden (ItaSaku; SasuSaku) - Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن