Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p1

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to ask again," Haz said and he rolled onto his back. "Aren't you supposed to be in America filming something since your 'so famous' or did yeah run out of money?"

"I haven't auditioned for anything recently, so I decided to come home to my family. Do you not want to see me?" I asked, laying on my back as well.

"Eh . . ."

I turn over and slap Haz hard against his chest. He smiles over at me and laughs.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I mean who doesn't want to see an exact replica of two kids?" He jokes, turning back to look at the ceiling.

"I don't know, maybe your best friend who still hasn't met me? Would you like to introduce us sometime?" I joked.

"You know why he hasn't met you yet, Y/N/N." Haz whines and runs a hand through his bleached hair.

"Because I'm so beautiful and he would fall for me, than your best friend would start dating me and everything will all end badly when we break up." I state, because we have gone over this month after month.

Haz nods his head. "Yeah and Tom won't stop talking about you, he has a massive crush and if he found out that we are twins, it might actually be the end. Speaking of Tom, he's- oh god he's coming over tonight so we can ask mum and dad if I can go to America with him for Spider-Man: Homecoming." Harrison shot up from his bed and started quickly running around his room. I sat up and watched him run around. "Y-you can't be here a-and . . . this is a disaster."

"Harrison, chill out!" I shout at him and he stops dead in his tracks. "I can probably stay in my room tonight if it means that much to you. If I remember correctly, my room should be locked and untouched."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Y/N/N. I know how much time you spent in there in the past, me always keeping you in there when any of my friends came around. And even though we are adults and still act like kids, I love you for that." Harrison said, holding out his arms.

I laugh and stand up from his bed to hug him. "And I love you too, but you are going to have to tell him at some point." I remind him.

Haz laughs and rests his chin on my shoulder, he's a good few inches taller than me. "I know."


My room is right above the kitchen, so I get every smell, conversation, and argument just from sitting on my bed. Mum, dad, and Charlotte know about Haz wanting to keep my hidden around his friends, but not for this long. I could hear everyone having dinner downstairs, I wasn't "hungry" is what I told everyone. Even though Haz and I know it's not true.

So I hung out in my room, listening to everyone's conversation as they eat lasagna. One of the common topics that never left the table was Tom's new role as Spider-Man, Harrison told me their plan for him to go with Tom and "help" on set.

After a while I started zoning out and began watching another episode of The Fosters, I need to catch up for the next season. I sat on my bed in sweatpants, one of my Mickey Mouse shirts, and my hair tied up in a very loose bun. Something I haven't been able to do in quite some time.

My phone goes off from a text from Haz.

I was thinking
about what you said,
and I'm going to tell Tom
about you. Mum and Dad
said that I get to go with
him to America for
Spiderman, but they also
threatened me to tell him
about you. So at the
moment he's in the living
room doing whatever,
and I'm going to call you,
and put you on speaker
phone. All you have to do
is listen and talk when I
tell you to, got it?  

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