The Old Cabin and Realized Mistakes.

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"Lydia," Dani stood in front of the Palace, "Wes was looking for you while you were in the shower. Something about meeting at the old cabin."

"The old cabin? You sure?" I asked. The old cabin hadn't been used in years, not even by the heads. Couples used to go out there for "couple things", but it had been years since I heard anyone sneaking over there. That was more the job of the island now. Even given its history, that didn’t sound like somewhere Wes would want to meet.

"Yeah. Probably wants some alone time or do something incredibly corny or something." Dani shrugged and walked back to tent three.

"Where's Natalie?" I asked cautiously.

"Working at the craft shop to help pay for camp." Dani answered and flopped onto her bunk, picked up a book and didn’t even look up at me. "So, are you going to stand there and block my light, or are you going to go meet up with your boyfriend so you can have alone time?"

I couldn’t think of any reason why Dani would lie, so I started down the path. The old cabin was half way between Backwood and Knight's Ridge, on an old dirt path that was mostly overgrown. When I reached the structure the door was wide open, leading me to assume Wes was already in there waiting for me.

"Wes?" I called when I walked in. the place seemed empty, all the beds were covered in sheets and moved so they were pressed up against the back wall. The right wall was covered in pictures of all the heads, they must have been taken with camera's from the photography station.

The closer I got to the wall of pictures, the more it disturbed me. They had been watching us, planning in even more depth than I had in the past year when planning out our pranks for the war. And this was all done in less than a week. "Why is my picture missing?" I whispered, crouching slightly to get a better look at the images. That’s when I noticed the loose picture at the foot of the wall. My picture. And when I picked it up and turned it over to see the image, I was greeted with a slash through my face.

"And I thought you were good at spotting liars." I turned around to face Dani. She had closed the door behind her and now stood between me and it. She wouldn’t be hard for me to go through, but I wanted to know what they had planned. She couldn’t have done this all on her own.

"What the actual hell, Dani?" I asked.

"Dominic wants to talk to you. Away from all your stupid friends." Dani smiled. "Don't worry, it won't take long." I had a feeling from the photo I'd found that she was right. Though I wondered if she even knew about the slashed picture.

"Dani, you don't understand. Dominic is a psychopath who is using you. He doesn’t love you. He's doing the same to Natalie, he does it to everyone. When I first met him he tried to do it to me. He probably doesn’t even like you, because he doesn’t like anyone."

"Why? Because I was rejected by the heads, right? Because I'm not as good as you? Newsflash, Lydia,  not one is as good as you and your friends think you are."

"Dani," Dominic walked in before I could say anything. "That's enough. Go wait outside."


"Wait outside, I'll be done soon enough. And shut the door behind you." Dani pouted, but head for the door and shut it behind her like she was told. "Such a good little girl, isn't she? Does everything she's asked without complaint. And all I have to do is give her a few kisses and a couple of fake loving words."

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