Breakfast, Table Talk, Stumbled Upon and Revenge

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I decided not to tell the others about what had happened after they'd all fallen asleep. Mostly because I was so stunned it had happened. What terrible thing did I do to Dani to make her hate me so much, she'd sell out my secrets so quickly to Dominic. Dominic, who made it pretty clear that he only does what will benefit him. And then they had to bring Natalie into their stupid little group. They probably did it because they knew it would piss all of us off even more, one of our old people completely betraying us. That's probably why she went so willingly as well.

"You okay, Lydia?" Alexi asked over breakfast. Since the day last week when he'd gone off on me, he'd been trying to be more sensitive about everything and I was trying not to be such an attention hog.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. Took me forever to fall asleep last night."

"Busy planning?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "I thought you'd been doing that all year?"

"Well, it's been a busy year. I had to leave some things to the last minute," I smirked and took a bite of my pancakes. "But don't worry, boy. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that's going to destroy you and all your egos."

"Not if we get you guys first," Wes smiled. "Four years of hanging out with you, I've picked up on a thing or two."

"Oh, so you boys will actually be competition this year?" Hayley asked. "I look forward to an actual challenge this time around."

"We've always been a competition to you girls," Alexi argued.

"Say's the boy who slept right through every prank I ever pulled on him," Annie countered. "Face it, Lex, you've got nothing on us."

"Are you guys always like this?" Janie asked. "Teasing each other and stuff."

"Only during the day," Allie assured them. "At night, it's every team for themselves. The boys have been losing the war for the past two years, ever since Lydia and Hayley joined forces."

"That's so not true. We totally owned you the year before last!" Keith argued. "Remember the slugs in your sinks? That was great."

"That was child's play," I said in the most patronizing voice I had. "And if I recall correctly, we retaliated by putting self-tanning lotion in your body wash."

"I remember that," Allie laughed. "You guys were orange for three days."

"We recall," Alexi said bitterly. "Okay, so maybe the girls did win that year."

"But not this year," Wes promised.

"Enough talk about this," Annie decided. "It's boring dinner talk. This is breakfast. We talk about fun things here."

"Well, breakfast is almost done so it best be a short fun conversation," Kyle said.

"Trainee's are suppose to be seen not heard," Annie said. "Even if you are right."

"She's kidding," I assured him. "Annie likes to mess with people, see how much she can push them before they push her back. You'll get used to it, don't worry."

"And don't be afraid to mess with her back," Wes smiled. "She's easy to mess with. One time we even tricked her into eating a dog treat by telling her it was a cracker."

"You promised you wouldn’t talk about that again!" Annie whined.

"How could we not, it was funny as hell," Jack laughed. "The look on your face was priceless."

"Especially since you thought it tasted good," I added in.

"Oh shut up you guys," Annie grumbled. She was about to add something else, but the director called to start cleaning up trays and bringing all drinks back up to the counter.

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