Good Feelings

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Darren really knew how to make camping fun. There was a lot I didn't know about or know how to do so it was nice to have him guide me and show me new things.

We started walking and I found it hard to keep my eyes on the dirt path in front of us. The trees were moving in the breeze and shaking in different directions around us. An occasional squirrel or bunny would run past us and duck into a bush. I was so fascinated by what I was seeing and I knew there was more out there for me to learn about.

I looked at Darren as we rounded a turn. "Daddy, can I talk to you about something?"

He looked down at me. "Yeah, you know you can talk to me about anything."

"I've been thinking for a while... How come I'm so different from everyone else?"

"You're a special little girl if that's what you're asking."

I shook my head. "No, daddy. I don't mean like that. I-I don't do stuff like everyone else. I know I'm not supposed to need a diaper or have a teddy bear."

He raised his eyebrows. He didn't seem surprised but maybe he was expecting me to say this for some time. "Do you like doing those things?"

I shrugged and stared down at the rocky, dirt path under my feet. "I don't know exactly. I know I'm supposed to do that because that's what I've always done. But I don't think girls like me should have a teddy bear all the time."

"It's not hurting anyone if you use a diaper or have a teddy bear or call me daddy. If that makes you comfortable, then it's not a bad thing."

"Are you sure? Cause... I kinda wanna do things how you do them."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like... you get a shower instead of a bath and you don't wear diapers and... and you have a job."

"Well, getting a job is a big step. That's going to take some time. As for the others, we can work on those if that's what you want."

I nodded. "I at least want to try."

He took my hand and squeezed it. "If it's not what you want then you don't have to keep doing it.  Your happiness is the most important thing to me."

I let go of his hand so I could hug him. I relaxed against his side and felt a lot of the tension in my body melt away. "Thank you, daddy."

"You're welcome, baby."


We headed home later that evening. Camping was a lot of fun but I was glad to be back home. I was nervous about trying new things but I knew Darren wouldn't push me beyond what I was comfortable with.

The first, of which, started with trying a shower. Darren set a towel out for me as well as an outfit on the lid of the toilet. He showed me the bottles along the shelf in the shower and told me what each did and when to use them.

"Do you want me to stay in here with you?"

I shook my head as I looked over the bottles one last time. The shampoo went first, then the conditioner, and then the good-smelling body wash.

"You've got this, baby." He gave me a smile before he headed to the door. "I'll be out here unpacking our bags. If you need me, just yell."

"Okay." I watched him go before I turned to face the tub. I stepped into it and reminded myself not to sit down like I normally did. I looked at the faucet and slowly turned it to the hot side. I stuck my hand under the faucet and felt the water. It was warm but not too hot. I pulled the middle knob and the water came out of the shower head above me.

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