Damage Done

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After the longest two weeks of my life, I was finally able to go back to some of my old habits before getting my teeth pulled. I was able to use sippy cups and eat chewy snacks and food again. I didn't want to overdo it but I was glad to be able to do what I wanted after going for so long without.

The weather outside was getting colder so we couldn't go out and do much. Every time we went out for an appointment or to get groceries, I felt like I was freezing. I didn't like the cold very much.

Darren and I spent the two weeks of my recovery watching TV together and playing in my room. I wasn't as eager to play when I didn't feel good but Darren did a good job of distracting me so I'd feel better. He kept trying to make me laugh and get me to play since he knew it was what helped me when I was in a bad mood. Playing pretend with Ted and my other toys was the best way to ease my racing mind, sometimes.

Darren handed over a sippy cup with chocolate milk and leaned against the counter that separated us. I was sitting at the bar, my legs dangling below me.

"Wanna try pancakes?"

My eyes widened. "Am I allowed to?"

He shrugged. "I don't see why not. You got your bad teeth pulled so it should be okay. Your teeth would hurt from the chocolate milk if they were still bad."

"Do I have to go back to the dentist?"

He sighed. "Yeah. You have some fillings that need taken care of. If you let them go, they'll end up hurting and then you'll have to have them pulled. It's better to take care of them now before they get bad."

"How many do I have?"

"I think the dentist said you have four. Three are in the back but one is on your front teeth. They'll just cover them with something so they don't hurt and can close up."

"Will they get better?"

"No, but this will stop them from getting worse. It's hard to go back when there's already damage done."

He was right. There were a lot of things in my life that were messed up and couldn't be repaired. I was hoping to fix myself so I could become a better person. I didn't want to be a baby forever.
He raised his eyebrows at me. "What do you say? Want some pancakes?"

I nodded.

He turned away from me and started getting out everything we would need. "Maybe I should start getting sugar-free syrup and juices for you. That would help prevent any more cavities from forming."

"Will they still taste good without any sugar?"
He laughed. "You'll have to get used to the taste being different but you'll end up not even noticing the difference."

I scrunched my face. "I don't know. It doesn't sound very good."

"It'll help your teeth. And it's healthier for you. Too much sugar isn't good for you."

"That doesn't seem right. Stuff that tastes good should be good for you."

Darren laughed. "That would be nice if it were true."

"Can I go watch TV while you make breakfast?"

"Sure, baby."

I hopped down from the stool I was on and walked to the living room. I grabbed the TV remote and sat down on the couch. I pulled the blanket over my crossed legs and turned the TV on.

I was in the middle of an episode of Sesame Street when Darren called me for breakfast.
I took a seat beside Darren and stared down at my pancakes with wide eyes. They looked even better than I remembered. They smelled so buttery. I couldn't wait to eat them.

I just hoped my teeth could handle it.

I picked up my fork and poked a piece. I put it up to my lips and tentatively took a bite. The area where I felt the most pain before wasn't an issue any more. It was weird to chew without a few of my teeth in some spots but it wouldn't take me long to get used to.

Thank goodness I could still have my pancakes.

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