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Darren put the last of the bags in the back of the truck before he got in. "Are you all ready to go?"

He sounded so excited and it was making it excited, too. I nodded.

He started the engine and rolled his window down. He glanced in the mirror before he started down the road in the direction of the campground. "What do you want to do first when we get there?"

"You're better at picking out stuff to do than I am."

"We could go swimming if you're up for it."

I nodded. Ever since he suggested it, it had been creeping into my mind more and more. Maybe it was my desire to try new things and see more of the world that I never had before that made me so eager to try swimming. I just hoped I liked it.

"I think the water will be warm. It's been a hot week."

"How does it get warm?"

He looked over at me. "When the sun gets hot, it warms up the water. People say it bakes the water."

"Bakes... like baking a cake?"

He laughed. "Sort of. There's just no oven involved. The sun is the heat source. That's how we get our hot days in the summer."

"What about in winter?"

"Well the sun is still there but it's not hot for us. There's another part of the world that's hot then."

"How does that work?"

He chuckled. "You ask a lot of questions."

"I've just never heard about any of this stuff before."

"I'll have to give you a proper science lesson sometime."

"Science?" It was like the more he said, the more confused I was.

"Later, Aly." He turned onto the road for the campground and slowed down to avoid the holes. Off to our right were two kids who looked small and young running around. It looked like the girl was chasing the boy. Her red hair was braided back and it bounced against the back of her neck with each step she took.

I looked back over at Darren as he found an open spot to park. He left his window down as he shut the truck off. He looked over at me and met my gaze.



I did my best to help Darren with the tent but I didn't know what I was doing so I ended up being more harm than good. I felt bad that I was useless in helping but there was still a lot I didn't know. Our conversation in the truck only proved that further.

"The tent's ready. Let's put our bags inside and set up the sleeping bags."

I followed him back to the truck and took my bag from him as he lifted them from the floor. He said he didn't trust them in the back. Something about the wind taking them. I didn't understand so I didn't question him.

I walked back to the tent and set my bag down inside. I unzipped the top of the bag and pulled my blanket out. I set Ted where the blanket had been in the bag so I wouldn't lose him while we put the sleeping bags out.

Darren walked in, ducking under the unzipped door. He set his bag down beside mine before he unrolled the sleeping bags. He set them up in the usual spot and laid my blanket out on top.

"Alright, why don't you get changed and we'll go swimming?"

"What are you gonna wear?"

He smiled. "I packed a pair of swim trunks."


"I'll show you once I'm dressed. Do you need any help?"

I shook my head.

"Okay. I'll wait outside until you're done."

I nodded and watched him step out of the tent. I heard the twigs and leaves under his feet crunching and snapping. I knelt down by my bag and pulled out the pink t-shirt and black shorts that were packed for me. The shorts were a stretchy material which seemed like a good match for going swimming. I wasn't exactly sure what was best to wear in the water so I had to trust Darren's judgment to find something that was fitting for the occasion.

I started putting the shorts on but noticed my diaper was still on and remembered Darren's comment about wearing a diaper in the water. Maybe I wasn't supposed to.

I crawled to the door and lifted my hand to knock. I rolled my eyes at myself when I realized that I couldn't actually knock on the door since it wasn't solid. "Daddy?"

I heard Darren move closer and when he spoke, his voice was near the door. "Yeah?"

"Do you want me to wear my diaper swimming?"


My eyebrows scrunched together when I realized that I wouldn't be wearing... anything to go swimming. It seemed weird that I wouldn't be wearing anything but I trusted that Darren knew what he was doing.

"Okay." I pulled off my diaper and put it in the plastic bag Darren always brought. I set it aside and finished putting the clothes on. I crawled out of the tent and stood up.

"Give me a second to change and I'll be out."

I nodded and turned away from the tent as Darren went inside. He only took a few minutes to get changed and when he came out, he wasn't wearing a shirt anymore. He had two colorful towels draped over his arm as well.

"Where's your shirt?"

He smiled. "I don't need a shirt to go swimming."

I slid my arm through my shirt and started to lift it. Darren quickly put his hand out and pulled the shirt back down.

"No, Aly. You need yours."

I frowned. "But... why?"

He took a deep breath. "That is a question for another day."

I sighed and followed him as we walked down the dirt path that lead to the beach of the lake. The grass that grew in the water was taller since we had come the last time. I was surprised that it could grow in the water but maybe the fish needed grass, too.

Darren set the towels down in the sand before he put his phone on top. He kicked off the shoes he wore before he looked at me. "Are you ready?"

I nodded. I had been ready to get in since we pulled into the campground. I wanted to see what swimming was all about.

Darren reached his hand out for me to take. "I'll help you in."


Added & Edited 7/23/2022

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