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The toys in my room were all basic. Brightly colored blocks laid at the bottom of the toy chest. Surrounding them were various stuffed animals. Nothing special stuck out to me but maybe that's where my imagination was supposed to kick in.

I took the teddy bear out and set it beside me. I briefly thought of my old stuffed bear, remembering how I threw it out the window of the truck. I wanted to start over which meant the bear had to go. I could use this new bear and make newer and hopefully better memories.

Darren knocked on the door before he opened it and stuck his head in. "Hey, what are you up to?"

"Just playing."

"Are the toys that I got you okay or do you want something else? I wasn't sure what to get you so I just got a few things to start out with. I'm not familiar with having a... kid around."

"They're okay."

"Just okay? I really don't mind getting more stuff for you if you want."

I was just grateful to have anything to play with to begin with. Owen never let me have much yet he always wanted me to be busy while he was hanging with his friends or watching TV. "This is fine."

He nodded before he cleared his throat. "So I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

I turned so I was facing him. I had no idea what it was he wanted to ask me.

"I have the weekend free and since the weather will be nice, I thought it might be fun to go camping."

"Camping?" I had never been camping before. Owen didn't like the outdoors and didn't take me to many places to do anything. I had heard of camping but not enough to actually do it.

"Yeah. There's a campground that I like to go to that isn't too far from here."

"What would we... do?"

"You haven't been camping before, have you?"

I shook my head.

He walked in and sat down on the bed. "Some people make a fire and roast marshmallows. Some like to go fishing and swim in the lake. It just depends on the weather what I do when I'm camping."

"Will other people be there?"

"Probably. It's supposed to be a nice weekend so I'll bet the place will fill up quickly."

Being around other people scared me a little. I didn't know what to expect and the feeling of being vulnerable made me anxious. But maybe having more eyes on me was a good thing. It would keep anything bad from happening between Darren and me.


"I only have one tent but you'll have your own sleeping bag to sleep in."

I was used to practically sleeping with Owen so having my own sleeping bag was like a luxury. Having my own bedroom with Darren was far more than I could have ever asked for.

"When are we leaving?"

"This afternoon. I want you to get a bath before we go. I don't do public showers."

I nodded. "Can I do it myself?"

"Sure. Use what you want. Take a change of clothes with you. And call me if you need anything.


Darren tossed one strap of his backpack over his shoulder before pulling his keys from his pocket. "Are you all ready to go?"

I nodded and picked up the teddy bear that sat beside me. I'd decided to take it with me so I would have something to sleep with at night.

"Make sure you keep a good eye on him this weekend. I don't want a sad little girl when we head back home."

I looked over at him, surprised at how caring his words sounded. Owen would have sounded more annoyed at even having to warn me.

"Would I get in trouble?"

"No, why?"

I dropped my eyes back to the bear. I got in trouble for so many things when I was with Owen. From talking to being too loud to even sleeping in. It seemed like nothing I did was right for him. So I had a hard time changing my thinking with Darren. That was... if he was any different.

He nodded his head in the direction of the door. "We better get going. I don't want to show up late and not get a spot."

I followed him out to his truck. He opened the door and I climbed inside, scooting until I was on my side.

He put the backpack between us as he got in and I felt myself relax a little bit. At least I'd have some of my own space in the truck.

He started the engine and rolled his window down. He pulled out onto the road and started driving. He was right when he said the campground wasn't too far from us. He only drove a few miles before a sign for the campground appeared on our right. He turned off onto a dirt road and pulled into a spot that was made between two pine trees. I could already smell the pine from inside the truck.

He cut the engine and grabbed the keys. "I'm trusting you to not run away, okay? You can stay in here or come out with me if you want. I just need to get the tent up before it gets dark."

I watched him get out of the truck and start pulling bags from the trunk. He headed over to a spot of packed dirt to put the tent up. He opened the bag that the tent was in and started pulling things out.

I watched him for a few minutes before I got out and walked over to him. "Do you need any help?"

He nodded at the tent in his hands. "Hold this for me? I'm going to dig the spikes in the ground."

I nodded and did as he said, watching as he effortlessly put the tent up. It was clear he'd gone camping several times. He'd perfected the art of camping.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked, tossing our bags into the tent.

"I don't know. What do you usually do?"

"Well... there's a lake just down the path. Do you want to go swimming?"

"I've never been swimming before."

"There's a little bit of sand you can play in if that sounds better."

Thinking of drowning didn't sound like much fun. The sand, however, seemed like a better option. I nodded. "Okay."

"You want to go? Alright, follow me."


Edited 01/06/2022

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