Imagine Ubbe taking care of your body and mind

Start from the beginning

You hardly could walk from the pain, your back, your arms, your feet, even your head hurted. But when you were around the blacksmith you hided that behind the tough act you putted on. 'You can go now.' You father said without looking up. You bowed, like he was king before walking out of there. You took the same route home like every day, the only thing that changes was another intake of the road, leading back to the center, leading back to that one house that truly felt like home. You were always so nervous, people who could see you walking in on Ubbe, talking to him, entering his home. He stood before the house, talking to his brother when he noticed you.
'I though you wouldn't come.' He said as soon as your where in hearing distance. Only by the manor you walked his gaze already turned in something between anger and concern. You forced a smile on your lips, greeting Hvitserk with a soft nod.
'Take care of her brother, it seems she needs it.' Hvitserk said after a thorough look. He caressed your cheek before walking away, leaving you at Ubbe his side.
'Come inside, I made you a warm bath.'
'You did not.' The relief in your voice for hearing those magical words made him chuckle while he clipped your cloak from your shoulders.
'When are you going to start understand that I would do anything for you?' He asked, walking after you in. You looked to the bath that he filled, a luxury you never would have in the poor environments you lived in.
'I'm a slave Ubbe, one day a beautiful princess walks in this town and will break my fantasy.' You were realistic and he hated that about you, his sigh alone said already enough.
'You're not a slave, you're a blacksmith's daughter that is be treated as a slave. Second, what do I need to prove you before you will believe me?' He asked. You walked over to the bathtub, fingers scouting the surface only to feel the relaxing warm temperature.
'I won't ask you for anything.' You reacted softly. He came to stand behind you, fingers starting to unknot the dress you wore. He placed a kiss against your hair, your ear before he snuggled them in the crook of your neck.
'Sleep about it, I'm not afraid from your father, I'm not afraid to take you away from him.' He whispered against your neck. You closed your eyes, tilting your painful neck. His fingers pushed the dress over your shoulders, it stroke over your body down until it laid in a puddle at your feet. 'I love you.' You turned around to his words and looked up to. He gently raised your chin, placing his lips on yours. 'Get in, before it's gets cold.' He smiled. You bited your lip, studying those blue eyes from close by before you nodded. You left his side and stepped into the bath before sitting down in the warmth that started surrounding you. You felt your painful muscles relax on the temperature and you closed your eyes in the feeling it gave you. You imagined the end of your day be totally different, Ubbe just ... he was amazing. A fantasy you wanted to hold on to for as long as you could. Despite the connection you shared was quite fresh, you weren't afraid around him, he was always gentle with you, never hurted you ... not even on your first time. But visits were always short, knowing you would have to leave later so your father wouldn't get suspicious ... it just tore you apart on the inside. But he was wonderfull, the kind of man every woman wanted to have. You opened your eyes and looked for him, he stood against the wall, admiring you from that small distant, and enjoying the relaxation you started to show while he drank from his cup.
'You know how amazingly generous and tender you are?' You asked him dreamy. That charming smile came on his lips while he drank his cup empty, placing it on the table beside him.
'So is been said.' Be reacted, almost proud of himself.
'I mean it Ubbe, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have,'
'Shht hush, don't wind yourself up again.' He interrupted you. You nodded, resting your head on the border of the bathtub, closing your eyes again. He was right, it wasn't the moment to replay the day. You had to enjoy these moments with him, knowing, hoping, he would give you freedom one day. He crouched down beside you, snuggling his nose against your ear. 'Where do you have pain?' He asked you. You turned your head looking at him.
'Neck, back, feet, arms, head.'
'You give me a lot of work.' He chuckled against your skin. His beard tickled, causing you to softly laugh while pulling a little away.
'I don't want you to work, my body is already grateful for this bath.' You arched your neck, kissing him. He smiled against your lips, an arm embracing your upper body from behind. 'Shame this bathtub isn't big enough for two.' You whispered.
'You wouldn't be really relaxing then.' He answered your right back, playful. You bited your lip, pulling yourself a little deeper in the water, closing your eyes again.
'I easily could fall asleep.' You murmured your own thoughts. You felt the water wrinkle around your body so you opened your eyes again. He had dipped a cloth underneath and started to wash your neck and shoulders. 'Ubbe.' You moaned in the soft relieve you muscles gave on the massaging pressure of his hands and the cloth. You closed your eyes again, enjoying his careful strokes over your body. Every place he touched felt a little les tensed than before. The heat of the water relaxed you to a point working would be accepting again. You almost fell asleep when caressed your stomach, down over your body. You turned your head aside, opening your eyes to him. He looked at you a little in mischief and you splashed some water over to him, be backed away. You crossed your arms over the edge of the bathtub, looking how he dried his face. 'If my body would be able, I would thank you in hundred possible ways.' You give in to that look. He came closer again, stroking the strains of half wet hair out of your face.
'If you stay for the night your body will be rested in the morning and you would be able to thank me anyway.' He suggested. You chin rested on your arms, only the change in your look alarmed him. 'Y/n, stay, stay for the night, you never stay.'
'I would, you know the situation. I'm scared, scared of whatever my father could do to me.' Your honesty was there from the beginning, and he appreciated that.
'Would you marry me? If you had the change?' He asked. He caught you of guard with that one. You studied his face, looking for a joke but it wasn't there.
'I would run of with you if I had the change,' you began, looking down for a moment. 'You really want me? I understand if there is somewhere a better suiter for you Ubbe, you are the prince of Kattegat, you deserve better.'
'I want you, would you marry me?' He asked you again. You softly nodded, knowing he was you savior. 'Stay tonight.' He commanded you tender.
'I'll stay.' You answered with a soft smile, ducking underneath the water to enjoy the least of its warmth.

Because it was so warm outside you both were only covered by a thin sheet, his naked body resting against your back while his arm was wrapped around you in an embrace. His chin resting on the tip of your shoulder while you hummed on the enjoyment of the connection you both had. 'First time I will wake up aside you tomorrow.' He kissed your shoulder and you smiled, eyes closed.
'If I wake up to begin with.' You answered. You felt so tired you weren't sure how long it would take for you to wake up.
'Even better, I'm gonna get to see you sleep.' He smiled against your skin. You turned on your back, looking up to his face that was hovering over yours.
'Do you need to be somewhere in the morning?' You asked, following your finger that trailed his bare shoulder.
'No, why?' He licked his lips in the words and you shrugged, what hurted a little.
'The idea that nobody knows where I am is a little intriguing, can stay as long as I want.'
'Is that Y/n who is talking?' He asked surprised. You slapped his head, snuggling your body against his. He chuckled, embracing you in your own movements. Yes, you were way to careful, normally you wouldn't even consider staying for the night. But he was right, you couldn't live in fear.
'Will you come with me, tomorrow, when I face my father,' you looked up to him. 'to keep an eye on me.'
'You really think he will do something?' He asked concerned, gently caressing your cheek.
'He will demand the truth.' You nodded.
'I can say I needed your services.'
'And what may that be?' You asked with a little smile.
'A lot less then where he is pulling you through.' He suggested.
'More tender and friendly to.' You yawned in those words and Ubbe laughed softly.
'Go sleep, I will be here when you wake up. You can thank me later.' He winked. You pulled his face closer and kissed him. You felt his hand over your body, counting ribs, stroking the curves of your body.
'Thank you Ubbe.' You pecked his lips another time before he pulled you in an embrace and the dreams caught you right away.

You never slept in so much safely, you didn't even waked up like you normally did at night. For hours there was that surrounding calmth of dreams that inspired you. And even when you opened your eyes you felt like still dreaming. It wasn't your bed, your lonely body, the shouts of your father demanding you to wake up. It was this, the embrace of his arms, the soft steady whispers of the birds outside. You took a very deep breath, closing your eyes again and turning on your back, feeling how his hand followed the movements of your body smooth. You forced one eye open and looked up, instant smiling shyly when you saw him watching. 'You know you are the most gorgeous woman when you are sleeping. So peaceful.' He began, his voice still a little raw edged, it attracted you.
'Not so peaceful otherwise.' You asked, slightly blushing.
'Depends.' He lowered his head and kissed you softly. You laid your hand against his jaw and greeted him good morning in a way husband and wife would do.
'Please tell me hearing you talk about marriage wasn't a dream.' You said as soon as he pulled back. He hovered over you, an elbow resting on the other side of your body so your chests connected a little.
'No.' He smiled down on you. 'I will demand the justice from your father, I will set a marriage and then you can wake up every morning aside me.'
'This was the best morning I ever had in my life.' You confessed. He strangled his fingers through your hair, a finger caressing your cheek.
'How do you feel?' He asked slightly concerned. You trailed his chest, smiling to him with a love you never really showed before.
'After last night, after this rest, I feel good, never felt so good.'
'Your body?'
'A little stiff but it will be manageable.' You answered honestly.
'Good.' He placed a kiss on your forehead, trying to leave the bed. You wrapped your body around him in protest of him leaving. But he got up, only you managed to get on his lap.
'Let me thank you.' You said, embracing his neck with your hands, studying his face.
'You don't need to thank me.'
'You sure?'
'Are you protesting?' You asked with a tilted head.
'No, not really.' He submitted, looking down to your lips. You contacted your upper body by wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him a little less tender, a little more passionate. He let his body fall back on the bed before he swiftly rolled you over on your back. After all of this, all he did and all he would do, he didn't deserved anything else. You wanted to give him the world if needed, you wanted to give him your love, your loyalty, your children, as long as you could stand at his side there wasn't really anything to be scared of.

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