J, Oh Hell Yeah, J!

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"Noel's waiting outside!" Adele heard her Mom shout.
Adele fitted herself in her Charlotte Russe gold-banded halter dress from last year's drama day, combed her hair the last time and took hold of here Kate Spade purse. Then she hurried down the stairs and waved Mom a last good-bye.

Noel was taking her to Avril's party tonight. He had asked her today when she came back from Pennsylvania if she'd accompany him to the party.
And it felt awesome. Specially when Agent Sheppard had finally averted her eyes from them. Today when Adele came back from school, she had seen loads of news vans and cop cars stationed outside Avril's house. And of course the news must have reached all of New Jersey and must have gone as far as California.
Ashton was hit. And so were they.
Ha, ha.

Noel stood in front of the house, a sweet smile pasted on his face. "Hey." He beamed.
"Hi. You look good." Adele answered. Noel was neatly dresses in a tuxedo, his hair combed away from his head, showing a lot of forehead.
"Thanks. You look beautiful too." He replied.
Adele smiled.
"So, let's get going?" She uttered.
They moved towards Noel's black BMW M6. Noel held the passenger door for her as she helped herself in. Then he moved to the other side and sat beside.
The engine blared to life and the car began to accelerate. The two spoke nothing for ten whole minutes.
"So Ashton's back." Noel said, facing her.
"Funny, yeah? And he said he had no idea who kidnapped him. Funnier?"
Adele shifted. It was strange to hear that people really believed that Ashton didn't know who the kidnapper was. Peculiar.
"You okay, Ad?"
Adele blinked. "Uh. Yeah. Just thinking about the Ashton stuff, you know."
"Yeah. It must be hard for you like, suddenly hearing from a person you thought was dead."
Of course it was.
"Yeah. And, it's eerie how the blaming ended like this."
Noel nodded.

Noel parked the BMW in the parking lot of Wilshire.
They party was on the go. Victorian music blared from the inside. Laughter filled the air. Couples made out in the parking lot. Goblets of wine were everywhere.
Once inside, Adele moved her eyes quickly around the hall. Avril stood with Maya Eyre near the stage. Madeline stood alone in a corner, enjoying the song. Mr. and Mrs. Kahn sat with Mr. Hawkins, Clifton High's principle. Adele spotted Ariana with Callum Morris and Maria Clarkson, her best friend from Freshman Year. Ashton stood with Ethan Mckenzie and Wren Cavanaugh, laughing. He must be so happy to be back. Bit standing with his kidnappers. Or maybe his kidnappers, whatever. So brave of a guy.
"So, I guess you like it." Noel watched her up to down.
"Haha. Yeah, it's cool."

Noel excused himself and went over to Ashton and the rest.

Adele sighed and thought if joining Madeline. But when she glanced at the place where she was standing just minutes ago, she had gone. Uhh.
Then, Adele chose going to the washroom.
She went in and took out her tube of cherry lipstick from her purse and refreshed herself. Then she heard some ruffling from one of the toilets.
The toilet door opened and Jasmine Smith got out. What the hell was she doing here.
A strange look appeared on Jasmine's face, more like fear. Or maybe that's what Adele thought.
"Oh hey, Ad! How are you?"
Adele managed to smile back. "H-hey."
"Oh God. So cool to see you here. You know, I tried to find your email, but I guess you were unavailable. How's life?"
Adele shifted. "Cool. Yeah, cool. H-how about you?"
Then she noticed it.

There was a knife in Jasmine's left hand, and she was trying her best to hide it.
"Yeah, my life's going awesome-"
"I-I'll meet you later. I guess I should go because-" And before she had to complete the excuse, she ran out of the bathroom and towards the main hall. Jasmine was the helper. Of course. Don't know about the voice that Ashton said was manly, but maybe Ashton had hallucinated? And then, Jasmine did have a thick, manly voice.
She needed to tell her friends. Now.
But now, Maria Clarkson and Callum Morris stood alone, without Ariana.
Avril had left places with Maya Eyre too.
She had to warn her friends before J got them.

And she had to  do it ASAP.

So hey readers! What do you think about the chapter? Please hit he star below, and share your opinion!

Discussion sparker: What do you think, is Jasmine Smith actually the helper?¿ Did Lovely Ad got it right?
                                    Lots of Love, Ak

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