I don't believe in Happily Ever After

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I was reading Happily Ever After that moment.
There was a knock on my door. My room-mate Ronald said he wont be back till dawn, so of course it wasn't him. If not him, who then?
I reached for the door.
Standing right in front of him was the familiar tall, gold-haired girl.
What the hell did she want now?
She smiled. "What?" I asked.
She moved inside the room. I just stared at her confidant movements. With a flop of hair, she sat on my bed, his grin bigger.
"What the hell, Hastings?" I asked.
She just smiled.
And the she stood up.
She was moving right towards me. Her movements were so fast, so un-gentle.
Then her hand went over to my mouth.

It was a strange smell.
It took me minutes to realise it was Chloroform.
And the moment I realised what was happening, my visions had begun to blur, and the last I saw before my brain dozed off were two figures standing in front of me.

Then it was all darkness.

When I woke up, I could smell soot and burning ash. Fire. Something was burning.
And I was moving.
When my visions got clearer, I noticed myself in a car.
I wasn't moving. The car was.
And I was lying i the back seat. I got up and tried yo see the driver's face, but it was all-covered. The person who sat beside the driver was no one but Tori Hastings.
"What the hell is going on here?" I said.
Tori gleamed back. "You're being kidnapped Ash. How does it feel?"
It felt strange.
A feeling I had never experienced ever before.
It was nothing but fear.
"What do you want from me?" I cried.
"I just want you Ashton. Wonder what happens when Avril Kahn finds her brother's rotten dead body. I'm dying to see that day."

I stared at her. What the hell? "I don't understand you. What do you want from Avril, huh? And why are you kidnapping me?" I said.
"Avril Kahn deserves some torture you know. She's spent too much of a cool life. And you deserve it too. You both think you're really fabulous, right?"

This girl was so much of a psycho.
Then I felt the smoke hurl in my nose again. I took a glance from the back window at the huge sea beyond.
And I saw the Cruise Ship burning.

What a cover-up Hasting.

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