27. Breaking Point

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I step back into the kitchen, where Roman is still sitting at the table eating his dinner. I lean against the wall, my hands behind me, watching Roman. I don't know what to say. Do I try to explain myself? Do I act normal? I decide to get him to speak, and explain how he is feeling, before I give any explanation.

"Yes?" I ask. He lifts the empty beer bottle in his hand up in answer. I quickly retrieve a full one, passing it to him. Before I can retract my hand, his grip attaches itself to my slowly healing, injured wrist. I bite my lip to stop a cry leaving my lips.

"Your parents, huh?" he asks, his face looming into my vision. "What have you been telling them?"

I whimper in pain, letting out a sob. "Nothing, I swear."

"What about the boyfriend? Did you warn Piper?" he asks, bringing my face closer to him.

"No," I sob. He wrenches me forwards so our moves crash together painfully. I let out a muffled scream as he forces his tongue between my lips. I struggle against him, but a sharp bite to my lip, has me tasting my own blood and me stopping.

"Are you imagining your other boyfriend right now?" he asks, as he pulls me back by the hair. The shock from the sentence has me freezing, and going silent. It's exactly the same as what Nixon said in my dream. Fear starts to creep into my veins. Would Roman go that far? Would he be capable of killing me?

He flings me backwards. Unable to find my footing I go crashing to the floor hard, pain radiating up my back and from my skull. I let out a high pitch scream, as Roman drops down on top of me. My throat complains at the pitch and volume of my screams. I don't care who hears me, and who could possibly come looking, now, I let my screams leave me the loudest that I can possibly make them. I just want Roman off me. He's been drinking, and that makes him unpredictable. He brings his hand up, slapping me hard across the cheek. His hand falls to my top, ripping it as he bunches it in his hand.

He's jealous of other people having me, but when he has me, he acts like he doesn't want me. What's the point of hurting me if he thinks I'm with someone else? I'm not going to want to stay with him if he abuses me. As if to answer my silent questions, Roman starts to shout at me, as he shakes me.

"You want this?! You want me to hurt you? 'Cause I don't. You're a slut that needs to be punished. You're mine and mine only. No one else's! Get that into here," he says jabbing a finger into my temple. I let out another loud cry. "Do you want me to show how much you mean to me, is that it?" he asks, reaching down to his pants.

Slowly, the horrifying realization begins to dawn on me. He's going to rape me. I can't remember the last time that we had sex. It was well over a year ago, though. He's never even showed me that he wants me like that, and has never shown any inclination that he would force that of me. I turn and begin to claw at the floor wanting to get out of here, my screams growing even louder if that was possible. I fling my limbs around, wanting to get him off of me. My hand connects with something hard, and I realize I caught his nose. Roman falls backwards, his hands going to his nose. I take the opportunity to run, and go for the front door.

I have just pulled it open, when Roman pulls me back by my waist. I let out a loud scream, hoping to get help. The threat of being raped has pushed me firmly away from my doubts. I just want someone to know now that can help.

"Help!" I scream, clinging onto the door frame. I thrash my body around.

"Shut up, bitch, or I'll do it permanently. Maybe that way you'll keep your legs closed to other men." His tone doesn't waver, or show any sign that he wouldn't go through with it.

That's it. He's going to kill me, I think as I feel Roman's grip tighten around me. I have found my answer to whether Roman is capable of killing. Yes. I would say he is. I let my screams fill the silent night air, as Roman finally drags me back into the house after minutes. My wrist was unable to hold me there any longer. I sob.

The next available time, I will be getting out of here. I don't care what threats he flings my way, I don't care that the police won't believe me, I'll be calling them as soon as I can. He gets to the stairs, and I grab for the banister, wanting to make his job as difficult as possible.

My fingertips are only clinging on, when a blaring alarm fills the air. Relief fills me up when I recognize it to be from the prison. Roman will have to go and deal with it.

The alarm seems to change Roman. He instantly drops me, his face holding one of shock and sorrow. I scramble away from him.

"I am so sor-" he starts, walking towards me.

"Get away from me," I sob, pushing myself up onto shaky legs. His phone starts to ring, causing his face to harden as he walks away from me, and out of the still open door. I feel bile start to rise, and I get hardly anywhere before it leaves my body. I ignore the smell as I continue to the landline phone. I pick it up and press the buttons to call 911.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"My husband tried to kill me."

Here it is! Sorry for the long wait, and I am sad to say that there is going to be another wait of about 3 weeks (going up on the 28th). I have good news however, after that they will be back to weekly as I have now finished what was keeping me so busy. :)

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CC ;)

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