18. Found Out

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I eventually pull into the dark drive four hours later. I shake my head and blink my tired eyes, trying to awaken myself some more as I turn off the engine. I look at my bag in the passenger seat and see the folder poking out of the top. I shove it as far as I can back down into the bag, wanting to hide the real reason for my trip to New York from Roman. I grab both handles and push open the door. I stand up, locking the car, before walking up to the front door. I look over my shoulder at the prison wondering if Roman is still there. I look down at my watch and see it is about 7p.m. so all of the inmates should be back at their cell blocks meaning Roman doesn't have a lot to do. My mind moves to another man behind the walls. One that is dark and dangerous, and extremely attractive. One of the many prisoners now enjoying their downtime.

I turn back to the door, putting the key which is now in my hand in the lock. I turn it and hear Roman shout out at me almost immediately. I guess he is home.

"DeeDee?" He calls. I sigh when I hear that he has been drinking.

"Yeah, it's me." I call back, rolling my eyes internally. Who else would it have been? I pull the key out, looking down at the bag. I pull the handles closer together as I push the door open. Pulling the bag closer to my body, I continue into the living room where Roman is sitting on the couch, a beer in hand. I don't plan on staying long, as I will have a greater chance of being found out, so I stay standing in the doorway.

"Ro, I'm tired and hungry, so I was going to grab something small to eat and then go up to bed." I let him know, before I start towards the kitchen. I don't get any further than the doorway, before I am stopped by Roman's voice.

"I don't appreciate being lied to." I close my eyes briefly, before turning to look at him. His arms are rested on his legs as he leans forwards. He places the bottle down on the table, before his head turns to look at me.

"I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have and I won't do it again." I tell him, knowing I won't be able to stick to my word. I see his shoulders visibly tense at my words.

"Another lie." I bite back a response knowing that it would only anger him more. I turn and continue into the kitchen. I put my bag down on the table, before turning to the counter. I grab the bread bag taking out a couple of slices for a sandwich. I turn to the fridge, opening it when Roman's voice makes me jump looking to him.

"What are you doing? I wasn't finished with you."

"I told you I was hungry, I'm making myself a sandwich. I wasn't ignoring you," I explain, hoping to ease his anger. He makes an unbelieving sound before he turns to the table, sitting down in a chair with his beer in hand. My eyes move to the bag, before going back to him. I force a smile, before returning to making my sandwich.

"How was work today?" I ask.

"It was alright," he answers with a shrug. I stop what I am doing and narrow my eyes at him. Usually he takes the chance to tell me everything that happened, and complains to me about the small things, even if nothing major happened in the day.

"Are you OK?" I cross my arms leaning my hip against the counter as I look at him. He tips the beer bottle back, before placing it down on the table. He clears his throat before pushing the bottle to the edge of the table. I roll my eyes moving to the fridge, taking out another bottle. I open it, and place it down on the table in front of him. Before I can retract my hand Roman has his hand around my already bandaged wrist. I inhale through my teeth but don't complain.

"Don't act like you care. You wouldn't lie to me if you cared. I bet you don't lie to your boyfriend over the road." I bite my tongue, stopping a response about how he doesn't care for me. If he knows I don't care, and he doesn't care about me, why is he keeping me in this relationship? It's unhealthy.

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