20. 911

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I rest my head on my hands, my fingers rubbing my temples trying to massage away my headache. I thought having Roman telling me what to do every day was bad, but I hadn't worked under Doug. He doesn't usually have an assistant and never has, so he thinks I'm someone who can take on everything that he gets. At least Roman does some of his work.

"I hate my job." I mumble under my breath. It always seems to be too much work, and leaves me having a headache. At least there are some perks.

I press my lips together when I hear the inmates all making their way to the mess hall for lunch. I try to avoid leaving the office at the same time that the inmates are out in the main area, only partly because of security risks, but now I want to. I promised Roman I would check on him when it was lunch, so I may as well go now. Clayton said, when I mentioned it, that he would go over after work.

Happy with my excuse to leave the office for a while, and maybe bump into the inmates I stand up grabbing my keys and phone, but leaving my bag behind. I quickly walk towards the door, writing on a post it as I go. I stick it to the door so Doug can see and start down the corridor. I emerge into the circular centre of the building and look around. The inmates are streaming from the hallway leading from the shops they spend their days in. I move over their faces and see if I recognize any of them. Realizing I'm standing there staring at them, I start to walk over the uneven stone towards the exit, keeping an eye on the faces as I walk. I know if Roman was here he would freak out that I was walking through without a guard, and I would be punished for it, but when the cat's away the mice will play.

I am just coming to the hallway leading to the door that emerges out into the outside world, feeling slightly disappointed I didn't see the man I have been fantasizing about since I first laid eyes on him. I know that's all I'll do, fantasize, but it doesn't hurt anyone and makes my days a bit happier. As I usually do I give one last look over the cavernous space. With all of my thoughts running around my head, I blocked out the usual calls I get. They are just getting quieter when my eyes fall on who I wanted to see all along. He is walking out of the corridor behind me and to the left, which leads down to Clayton's office. I move over him trying to see what's wrong with him, my heart suddenly beating faster. His eyes meet mine across the room, a small smirk touching his lips. He lifts his hand in a slight wave, and my eyes zero in on the bandage wrapped around his knuckles. I twist my mouth trying to hide the smile gracing them.  I lift my wrist up slightly so he can see the brace to show that I also went to see Clayton. He steps forwards, trying to get through the inmates and towards me, but is quickly stopped by the guard accompanying him.

"Nice try Hawk," I hear over the diminishing sound of the inmates. I gulp, thinking he's going to tell Roman. Nixon's gaze moves quickly back to me before focusing on the guard.

"I wanted to stretch my legs before I had lunch, do a couple of rounds around the armoury." Nixon replies easily. I turn my back to them as I walk out of the now empty epicentre of the prison. The guard's response has me feeling relieved.

"I saw you going to the door for the outside. You wouldn't have even got a toe to the outside world. The door is heavily guarded." He didn't see me.


I step into the bedroom to find Roman is knocked out. I stop creeping around when he doesn't stir, and his breathing tells me he is in a deep sleep. I look to the bedside table to see the glass is nearly finished, but the crackers still sit there unopened. I replenish the water, and leave a note next to him. I stroll into the kitchen and look in the fridge for what I could have for lunch. I didn't bother taking anything this morning, knowing I would be back. I find a pre-prepared salad, and sit down at the kitchen table. I may as well use my downtime to good use. I place my fork back down and make my way back upstairs and into the bedroom. I pluck the folder from yesterday's bag, and make my way back downstairs.

Sitting back down at the kitchen table, a notebook and pen joining my lunch date with the folder, I flick open the front cover. I slowly eat my salad as I read the write up of the investigation. I skim over the first part which is all the information about Grace, and how Nixon will be called suspect from now on. One of the first things in the folder is a transcript of Nixon's 911 call (which is also available to listen to):

Call to 911. July 2nd 2014 20:42.

Dispatcher: 911. What's your emergency?

Suspect: My girlfriend... She's... Oh my god!

Dispatcher: Sir, what's wrong with your girlfriend?

Suspect: (banging in background) She's dead.

Dispatcher: How do you know this, sir?

Suspect: How do I fucking know?! She's lying on the floor in a lake of her own blood. She's been stabbed for fucks sake!

Dispatcher: Sir, please watch your tone. Can you feel a pulse?

Suspect: I don't need to, I know! She's dead! I've told you that!

Dispatcher: OK, the police are on their way with an ambulance, sir.

I finish my salad and glance at the clock quickly. I only get half an hour for lunch, and I only have seven of those minutes left. I quickly throw away the container and pack up the case file.


After going back through security, I enter the epicentre to find that the inmates are returning from their lunch as well. I hear the door open and the inmates start to flow out of the doors as I just to get to the hallway leading to my office. I think about the transcript I read. It doesn't really tell me anything more than I already know, but it gives me a start. As it is paper, I can't hear the inflections in his voice; however I get an idea of how he's feeling by the words he uses. He sounded upset, which is good, but not hearing how he said it makes me unable to know if he truly meant it. I turn the keys over in my hands, trying to find the one to my office. A strong hand falls down onto my shoulder, causing me to drop my keys. Before I can bend to pick them up, a tattooed arm moves around me and to the keys on the floor. I gasp, turning slowly to face Nixon. He gives me a smile as he passes the keys back to me. I feel a blush hit my cheeks as I look him over, I've not been this close to him and he feels even more handsome than he does when he's behind glass. My shoulder tingles from where his hand rested. I look down at them, and bite my lip when thoughts of what they could do to me enter my mind. I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear, suddenly falling back down to reality with a bump.

"What are you doing here? You could get caught, and you'll be put in the hole."

The Hole: This is used as punishment if any rules are broken or if the prisoners need more security. They don't throw all the prisoners into one hole. The hole refers to a much more secure cell than the one they usually reside it. They usually only have one bed, and a toilet, with no light source. It is also known as solitary confinement.

Here you go! I hope you liked it!

The next update is going to be out of whack! The next chapter is going to go up on the 28th (I know :() and then after that it should be back to normal for the weekly updates on a Wednesday!

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CC ;)

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