19. Sick

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The next morning I awake to find Roman still in the bed. Thinking I might have woken up early I roll over to check the time. It blares back at me that I have woken before my alarm, but only by half an hour. Roman usually makes sure to leave the house an hour before I wake, like clockwork every day. I roll back over and gently shake his shoulder. Grumbling something incoherent, Roman stirs before wrenching his open. His icy blue gaze meets mine, dimmed by sleep.

"What?" he asks groggily.

"It's 6.40," I let him know. He lets out a grunt before turning back over. My bladder pauses my questions as I slip out of the bed and to the bathroom.

I rub my eyes as I walk back into the main room, moving to Roman's side of the bed. I reach for the lamp on his bedside table and turn it on, allowing me to see his face. In the dim light I can see that his skin is paler than usual, with a light sheen of sweat. His eyes are scrunched up, his eyebrows drawn together over them. I place a hand on his forehead and see that he's warmer than usual.

"Are you feeling sick?"

"I'm fine, I'm just going to sleep it off a bit and come in later," he murmurs. I sigh.

"Ro, I think it is best you stay home until you're better. I'll call Doug and let him know, he's more than capable of running it without you," I offer my opinion, hoping he'll listen. Doug is Deputy Warden, and he takes over from Roman if he is unable to work that day. He groans but nods. A smile comes onto my lips.

"OK, I'll tell Clay to come over when I go in," I say stroking his hair back from his face. He lifts his hand up pausing mine.

"What?" he asks his eyes narrowing.

"I want him to check you over," I explain.

"Call him, because you're not going in. You need to stay and look after me." I groan. Roman barely ever gets ill enough to stay home, but when he does he acts like he's on his death bed and tells me I need to wait on him hand and foot, being flexible to his every need. I'm not an evil person, and don't wish harm on anyone, but sometimes I find it easier when Roman is ill as it means the abuse stops for that time, and I get more time for myself when he's not calling for me. However, I still find it hard to see him sick. I once cared about him, and those feelings will never go.

"Ro, it's my job, I'm only across the road. I don't have any visits today, so I'll come and check on you at lunch, but you should rest," I tell him, hoping that he's too ill to argue. I was right because he grumbles before letting go of my wrist.

"Are you hungry?" I ask as I get up. I look down and see his eyes are closed again, as he shakes his head. I give a sympathetic smile as I reply.

"OK, I'll get you some water and painkillers." I walk back around the bed, picking my phone up before heading down to the kitchen. As I walk I call Doug.

"DeeDee?" he asks in a sleepy voice.

"Sorry to call you so early, I didn't mean to wake you..." I start, but am cut off by Doug.

"You didn't, I was just leaving, I just haven't had my coffee yet," he assures me.

"OK, well, Roman is ill and isn't going to be in today," I let him know as I grab a glass filling it with water.

"That's fine, tell him I hope he gets better soon. I'll see you later."

"See you soon," I respond before hanging up. I go to walk out of the kitchen but pause, looking in the cupboard. I pull out a small pack of crackers, just in case he gets hungry later.

On my way back to Roman I grab two painkillers out of the bathroom. I shake him again, passing him the pills and glass, placing the crackers down on the small table. I relay Doug's message to him, as I take the glass back from him. He acknowledges it, before turning onto his other side.

I grab some clothes and move into the bathroom to get ready. As the door closes behind me Roman's soft snores and deep breathes let me know that he's already asleep.

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