5. 'Zoning Out'

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It doesn't work. My mind keeps wondering to the dangerous Nixon Hawk. I try to keep up with what everyone is saying, but I still miss big chunks of the conversation. Roman periodically looks to where I am sitting, with a curious look on his face.

"DeeDee, are you feeling okay?" he inquires, after what feels like the hundredth look at me, narrowing his eyes.

I clear my throat and move the dark, powerful gaze out of my head.

"Yeah," I tell him with a small smile. I look down at my notepad with a blush staining my cheeks.

Roman's stare has me feeling like he knows what I did, and am now thinking about. I shift in my seat, crossing my ankles. After another glance at me, he continues his meeting which seems to be going at a snail's pace.

The meeting eventually ends, which I am thankful for because my hand was starting to cramp. I try to leave the office, under the pretenses that I need to start typing the report up, before Roman can stop me and ask me questions.

Unfortunately, I don't make it very far before he calls me back just as I reach for the door handle. I turn back around and sit down in a chair situated in front of his desk. Before my view is obscured by Roman's chair, I catch a glimpse of the yard out of Roman's window.

The orange-clothed inmates all make their way to the gates leading back into the building. I check my watch to see that their two hours are up on the yard as it's 4:57 p.m.. They will now be making their way to the mess hall.

"What's wrong with you today?" Roman asks, leaning his elbows on the desk in front of him.

"Nothing." I assure him.

"Did something happen?"

Yes, I was attracted to a murderer, and now I'm scared you know. I repeatedly tell myself that it's impossible for him to know unless he could read my mind, which he can't.


"You better not have missed anything we said because of you zoning out," he comments, looking down at his desk, letting me know that our conversation is over.

I push myself up, and walk back to the door. I hear Roman get up out of his seat, causing me to freeze thinking that he's not finished with me yet. I look over my shoulder to see he's going to the filing cabinet. I pull the door open as Roman unlocks the drawers. I step out into the corridor as I hear Roman pull the drawer open. I pause when I hear Roman make a confused noise.

"DeeDee!" he calls.

I grimace as I turn. "Yes?

"Why aren't these filed properly?" he asks, picking out the files I shoved into the spaces I could, and showing them to me.

"Oh... Uh..." I start not knowing what to say. He stares at me waiting for an answer with one of his caramel brown eyebrows raised expectantly.

"Sorry, my head was starting to hurt towards the end," I tell him honestly. He sighs and turns back to the filing cabinet.

"Go, I'll sort this mess you made out."

I roll my eyes; a few misplaced files is hardly a mess, but I don't object as I continue out of the room.

I enter my office, and put the notepad down on my desk. I look at what they want me to do, and see that it's not a lot. I groan and flex my hands, trying to encourage them to type out the report.


As I move the mouse on the screen to print my work, I lean my head on my hand and close my eyes momentarily, trying to battle the pain in my head. Once the pages are printed, I gather my bag, putting it on my shoulder as I walk out of my office, turning the light off as I go. I lock the door before knocking on Roman's.

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