•Chapter Thirty-Two•

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(Don't start the music till I
Mention so)

Your POV...

You woke up with a gasp, but quickly someone pushed you back down gently. At first your vision was blurry, but as you adjusted you saw a familiar ceiling. Looking around you sighed with relief and calmed down, you were back in your room. The walls still (F/C), the bookshelves the same, everything was the same.

"Thank goodness you woke up." A familiar voice cried out. Turning your head to the right you smiled weakly to the maid who was crying, Hannah.

"Hey Hannah." You said. Hannah pulled you into a hug, her tears dripping onto your shoulder as she smiled contently.

"We thought you would never wake up." Hannah cried out. You laughed lightly before looking at her, and wiping away her tears you replied.

"I wasn't going anywhere."

Hannah smiled as she then handed you a cup of water, you looked down in your nightgown to see bandages all over your stomach, but no bleeding which was good. However, as you continued to drink you decided to tell Hannah.

"Hannah..." you called out. Hannah didn't reply but turned towards your direction, indicating she was listening.

"I remember."

Hannah's blue eye widened, and her smile grew even bigger as you nodded. However, as you told her the story her smile slowly faded away. You watched as she looked rather depressed, as if she knew something.

"I remember being taken away....and that was the last I saw Alois and Luka till today. But I still haven't seen Luka~.." you finished saying. Your (E/C) eyes slightly narrowed before having enough courage to say it.

"Hannah....I know what you are."

Hannah gasped lightly, and soon she started to back away. Her hands trembling as you continued to stare at her.

"I-I-I will leave if that's what you want~"

"Don't. I'm not afraid of you." You replied. Relief could be seen in Hannah's face as she returned by your side, but as she sat down in a chair near your bed side you started to go deep into thought as the question popped in your head.

Where's Luka?....

"Miss (F/N) is something bothering you?" Hannah asked quietly. She placed her hand gently on the side of your face as you turned towards her direction, but soon tears threatened to spill from your eyes.

"Hannah w-what happened to Luka?" You whispered sadly. Hannah looked as if he heart shattered in pieces, and taking a deep breath she looked at you for a moment.

"Luka died in the night of the fire.." Hannah said, her head held low and she looked at her hands. Your (E/C) eyes widened as your tears escaped from your eyes and rolled down your face.

"H-How?" You cried out.

"Because He made a contract with me." Hannah replied. Your heart dropped slightly when hearing this, and your body stiffened as you continued to stare at Hannah as she began to tear up.

"He made a contract with me because Alois hated the people at the village since they had always treated them badly." Hannah explained. Your tears getting worse by the minute, and soon Hannah was wiping away your tears as she cried herself.

"He told me to keep only one person alive because he believed they were the most beautiful person he and Alois have ever seen, and not just physical beauty, but their heart was as pure as snow, and as precious as a bluebell." Hannah whispered. Silence overtook the both of you, the both of your sobbing silently.

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