Chapter 18 - 'Ohmigod! You're GAY!'

Start bij het begin

"What?! NO! For the last time, I am NOT gay!" I shouted. The little window thing between the front of the van and the back opened.

"Is everything alright back there?" the driver asked.

"Yeah...yeah...everything's fine," I said, immediately calming down.

"Urm...okay...just shout if something's up, okay?" the driver said, closing the window thing.

"I'm not gay," I repeated to Crystal, just in a quieter, more calmer voice this time.

"Oh...then what is wrong with you?" she asked. I made a face at that...what is wrong with me? What's wrong with me?

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Never mind...just...never mind," Crystal sighed, crossing her arms and looking out of the windows.

"Urm...okay..." I said, staring at the ground.

"You're weird, you know," she said without even looking at me. WTF? What is wrong with this girl? Randomly saying stuff that other people don't understand.

"Right, whatever," I replied, picking up my script and reading through it. Thankfully she didn't say anything else for the rest of the trip...she just kept sneaking peeks at me with a confused look on her face. The van finally stopped and a wave of relief washed over me. That was like 20 minutes of solid silence!

Toni's POV 

"Ah Toni, have you been hiding?" Nikki said, slamming the tray on the table loudly. She had an evil smile on her face.

"Man...I knew you guys were were just being nice cuz the guys were there," I said quietly.

"Well done Toni, you guessed it," Isabel said, sitting next to me and mirroring Nikki's smile.

"Urm...where's Camden?" I asked, hoping he'd appear to save me.

"Did you forget? Today's Art Club, he won't be appearing anytime soon to save you," Nikki laughed evily.

"Please...forgive me...?" I said, puppy eyes and all.

"No amount of puppy eyes will help you now! You lied to us so it's punishment time," Isabel said.

"Okay...bring it on," I said in a monotone voice. They won't be easy on me...I just know it.

" punishment for you is looking after my devil siblings for a whole week, starting tomorrow," Nikki said happily. I just stared at her.

"But! Didn't you say they're the devil's spawn?!" I asked.

"Yeah, exactly," she said, smiling sweetly.

"And mine...hmm...I think I will choose..." Isabel began when I cut her off with my hand.

"Oh I know yours. A date with Teddy?" I asked cheekily. Isabel's cheeks reached a dark beetroot shade. After calming down a little, she glared at me.

"Well, I was gonna give you easy one like treating me to lunch tomorrow...but...I dunno...I somehow got an evil urge to give you a hard one," she said, pursing her lips at me. My eyes widened.

"No...please...I'm sorry?" I said, pleading her.

"I want you to go up to the chef, hug him and tell him you love his cooking," Isabel said, smiling sweetly at me. I leaned away from her, gulping.

"...N-n-now?" I asked. Isabel raised her eyebrow. Damn, why did I go and mention Teddy?! Slowly I walked up to the cafeteria where the head chef was tidying up. Closing my eyes, I walked up to him and hugged him, saying 'I love you' as quickly as I could before running back to my seat where Nikki and Isabel were holding their mobiles at me and laughing their heads off. The students who were looking at me were also dying with laughter.

"HAHAHAH! He's still staring at you as if you just raped him!!" Isabel said, giggling manically.

"I am so uploading this onto Facebook!" Nikki said, pressing the save button on her mobile.

"What?! Come on! That's too unfair!!" I whined.

"This coming from the girl who confined me to her bedroom as her personal maid for a week because I lied about stealing her chocolates?" Isabel asked, raising one eyebrow at me.

"Okay...okay, you get your revenge. I'm gonna be the laughing stock of the school until I graduate, happy now?" I said grumpily.

"Aw, cheer up, you'll have fun with the devil's spawn tomorrow," Nikki said, giving me a hug. I pouted and refused to hug her back.

"Sorry, but, that was a big lie. I know why you were keeping it from us but you know we'd never tell," Isabel said.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. I shoulda known better," I replied, sighing.

"Still friends? Except from the punishments and all?" Nikki asked, laughing.

"You even have to ask?" I replied, hugging them back. I know I deserved this, anyways, the punishments coulda been so much worse.

After lunch was double English. When the bell finally rang, I rushed out of school without even saying goodbye to Nikki and Isabel. Catching a cab, I quickly made my way to quickly as I could anyways, it's haywire at this hour of day with the traffic. When I finally got there, I paid the driver and walked up the stairs into the CBE building.

"Excuse me miss!" a receptionist yelled, stopping me midtrack.

"Yes, what's the problem?" I asked.

"Please come here," she replied. I walked over, a bit confused.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"You should know that a big company like this wouldn't let strangers in so easily, no offense to you or anything, this is a routine check for everyone. Can I ask who you are and why you're here?" she asked. Oh bugger...I can't say I'm Nathan's girlfriend...what else can I say? Come on Toni, think! Think! Oh! I got it.

"Well, you know there's a music video shoot today, I'm an extra but I’m running a bit late," I replied, forcing a smile.

"Weren't you supposed to come in the morning? And why are you should be at the beach," she asked suspiciously.

"I had school then, so I couldn't come...errrr...and the director asked me to come here..." I said, hoping she'd buy it. She just looked at me even more suspiciously. "Look, my name's Toni Smith, in fact you can ask Carson for proof that I'm an extra. Just give him my name."

"I'm afraid Mr. Brown is on leave at the moment because of his recent accident. However, I'll call the director and see what he has to say," she said, dialling the numbers.

"Urm...alright," I said. Damn! He's not gonna know me! How am I gonna get in now? Nathan, where are you?

"Hi, Mark! A girl called Toni Smith is here saying that she's an extra, do you recognise the name?" she asked. She nodded and looked up at me. "Yes, around that age. She says she knows Mr. Brown. Oh okay. Yup, got it."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Security! Please escort the young lady out," she yelled. Immediately a guard appeared by my side, gripping my arm tightly.

"Wait, no! You got it wrong, seriously!" I yelled, but it was no use. The guard started dragging me to the door.

"Toni?!" a voice shouted from the second floor. Boy am I glad to see him!

My boyfriend is a superstar...and I'm his secret girlfriend?!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu