Chapter 17 - Love Story

Start from the beginning

"Oh hi...?" she said.

"Urm...well...never thought I'd say this is this lifetime...but hey...I'm here to get my make up done!" I said with a fake grin.

"OH! Nathan? Hi! I'm Alex!" she said, pushing the door fully open. I nodded and stepped into the van to be greeted with a boy's worst nightmare...yup you guessed it...tonnes and tonnes of makeup.

"Is all of that going on my face?!" I exclaimed, afraid to sit down.

"Calm down, I'm not evil! Hehe, don't worry, I'll just put on the minimal cuz I know what you boys are like," she said, pushing me down on the chair so I could see my scared face staring back at me in the make up mirror. She started spraying some water on a sponge kinda thing and put some powder on it.

"Close your eyes," she said. I just stared at her.

"Nuh-uh...not until I know what you're gonna do with that thing," I said, pointing at the sponge. Man I wish Toni was here...maybe she could save me from the attack of the sponge!

"It's just powder Nathan. Now man up and close your eyes!" Alex shouted. As soon as I closed them, a cold thing pressed down on my cheeks, then all around my face. When she was finished, I opened my eyes to see a spotless face.

"Wow...that's cool..." I said, leaning closer to the mirror and examining my face. It looked so smooth!

"Makeup newbies," Alex sighed, rolling her eyes. "Now go get your outfit so I can do your hair."

I nodded and opened the van door. Crystal was standing outside in a red tank top and brown shorts. She looked up at me impatiently.

"Sorry," I muttered, quickly getting out and holding the door open for her.

"Why thank you," she said, smiling at me. I just smiled back and made my way to the outfit van.

"You! Get a move on!" a man shouted from the van. He looked quite young, maybe late twenties, and had some red skinny jeans on and a checked jacket with a name tag 'Adrian' written on it.

"Coming!" I shouted back, running towards him. As soon as I stepped inside, a bundle of clothes were thrown at me. It was a white top and some grey checked shorts, which I quickly changed into.

"Ooo pretty face, but definitely NOT those clothes!" Adrian said, tutting at me. He stared at my abs for a while. "And definitely not with those abs. We gotta show those off!"

He threw a pair of long, grey khaki shorts at me, staring at me in a way that should be banned between guys.

"The name's Adrian by the way. I'm sorry, but I have to know, you can't seriously be straight with that face and body, can you?" he said, looking at me up and down, smirking slightly.

"N-n-no...I am," I stuttered, feeling very vulnerable. He suddenly burst out in laughter.

"I'm just joking with you darling, you're too young for me anyways. Now lose the top!" he said, winking at me. I found a corner and shivered, before losing the top and slipping on the khakis.

"Urm...I'm done?" I said, handing him the first outfit. He just stared at me.

"Now, that's hot. Yup, go get your hair done now," he said, opening the door for me. I got out, keeping the distance between us as far as possible. I have nothing against gay's just the way he was staring at me...he was smirking...and like...okay, get those images out of your head Nathan!!

"Thanks," I muttered, walking away...well...more like sped walked away.

"I'll be watching you!" he shouted from the door. I didn't turn around, I just kept walking, keeping my head down.

"Woah, watch where you're going!" a voice said. It was Crystal and she narrowly dodged me charging at her. She looked at me for a while, lingering on my abs. "Those are nice."

" right back," I said, running towards Alex.

"What happened? You look scared as hell!" Alex said, laughing.

"Dude, is there some kind of pervert bug going around or something?" I asked, catching my breath.

"Okay, what happened?" Alex asked, leading me to the chairs.

" he gay?" I asked.

"'ve met Adrian. I wonder why he has this effect on all the boys he meet. Don't worry, he's got a boyfriend, he's just messing with ya!" she laughed, getting a handful of gel.

"Really? Phew! He scared the hell out of me!!" I said.

"I could tell!" Alex said. She gave my hair one final pat and stood back to admire her work. "Alright, you're done."

"Woah!" I exclaimed. She managed to tame my wild hair and made a perfect fringe so that I had the perfect scene hair right now. "Thanks! A lot!"

I walked towards a black SUV with Crystal hot on my heels. According to Mark, after we drive into the scene, we're gonna lie down and chat for a while, then we splash each other. At the end, Crystal gets a text and her friend picks her up. Trust him to leave out the most important parts of the brief...the intimate parts...

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