🍋Izuku x Reader: Power Outage

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He was quiet. You felt your stomach flip in anticipation for his response. 'I wonder what he's thinking.'

He sighed into your touch before remembering himself. "W-What are you doing?" He asked sheepishly.

"Playing connect the dots with your freckles." You answered simply. Your felt the dread of uncertainty rise in your chest. Was he going to reject you? How could you fare losing such a dear friend? Your heart began to race as you faced an internal battle. Your eyes lingered on his features: Each time his lashes fluttered, the way his curls bounced with every movement of the bed, his dotted cheeks filled with sweet blushes. You couldn't tear your eyes away. You were under the irrevocable spell of this boy tonight.

Your stare made Midoriya fall silent. All he could do is gawk at you, accepting his own blush. He felt enamored, wondering if it was against the laws of nature for someone to be so beautiful. He moved to respond, but the yearning in his gut had killed off his saliva. He wanted to take it further but had no idea how to come off as sexy. Only one stupid idea came to him, but he felt like a damn fool while he was doing it. He mustered up his shameless bravery and locked eyes with you. He moistened his dry lips with his tongue in the most seductive way he could think of. 'I look like an idiot.' He added a come-hither bite of his lower lip for good measure. He was pretty sure he saw you do that earlier and found it inviting.

Unbeknownst to his thought process, you still were trying to work up the courage to tell him how you felt. He caught your eye and licked his lips in a beguiling way. 'That's just not fair.' You thought. 'Is he naturally this magnetic or is the universe just plotting against me today?' You had no idea that it was intentional. You let out an exhale, realizing you had been holding your breath. 'It's now or never. Take a shot.'

"Izuku..." Your thumb trailed over his glossy lower lip as you spoke. "You've gotten so handsome over the years." You admitted.

'Holy crap, it actually worked?!' He thought. Miniature trumpets blew a triumphant call inside his head. "You think so?" His eyes brightened, giving him the boost of confidence he needed. "I think you're attractive too!" He blurted boldly without a second thought. You smiled at him, all the blood rushing to your face. This left none to heat the rest of you, causing another fierce shiver to run through you. "Are you still cold?" He asked, his expression soft with gentle concern. You nodded with a small 'Mm.' Suddenly you were being pulled towards him in a toasty embrace, caught in the seductive snare that was Midoriya. The living entrapment of sweet misery, all tightly wrapped in a seemingly harmless package of green eyes and freckles. You seized the opportunity to snake your arms around him, entwining your legs. You intentionally brushed the tip of his nose upwards with your own, causing his lips to part. "Let me warm you." Izuku said, peering at you through half-lidded eyes. The dangerous low roughness in his voice made it crystal clear that it was not optional.

Finally your lips collided. His lips were amiable and caring, a display of his true nature. There was no lewdness, just innocent love. It melted you from the inside out.

You weren't sure if he intended to take it beyond the kiss, but you were on a mission. An impure mission. You savored the guiltlessness of the kiss for a long moment before letting your hands wander. His shirt was slightly askew, revealing an appetizing bit of bare skin. Sneakily, you caressed it, fingers tracing cravingly up the indents of his spine and over the ridges of his rippling back muscles. You heard a small whimper against your lips as he shuddered beneath your touch. It was unclear if it was a pulse of desire or simply a wiggle of distress from contact with your still-arctic hands. Despite your best efforts, it was impossible to pull back to spare your reputation of innocence. Though you were still unsure of his intentions, you decided to go for broke. You grasped his body shamelessly, scraping your nails down his back while running your tongue across the roof of his mouth.

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