Chapter 21

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Harry and I had only been to one store in the entirety of the mall and he was already complaining.

"Why do we even need to be here?" he groaned, walking extremely slow on purpose.

"Wow, you really don't like shopping do you?" I laughed at him as I turned around to see him an arm length away from me.

Harry quickly takes a quick step towards me and slings me over his shoulder.

"Harry stop!" I yelled, slapping his back.

I could feel his laughter against my stomach.

"Harry, come onnn!" I laughed.

People around were beginning to stare, many laughing. Harry finally put me down.

I pulled a fake angry face at him but he kept a smirk on his face.

"Excuse me?" a lady in her 40s approached us both.

"Uh, yeah?" I smiled politely.

"I just had to say that you two are an adorable couple!" she clapped her hands together. "You look so cute together!" she smiled and winked at me.

My brows shot up and I was about to burst out laughing when I felt Harry's arm around and over my shoulder.

"Thanks," he smiled down at me and I bit my lip, trying to control my laugther as I looked up at him.

"You're a very beautiful girl," the woman spoke to me.

"Uhh," I forced a smile. I wasn't ever good with compliments. In fact they made me cautious and I went all awkward. At least I was wearing makeup today so it was a little bit believeable.

"Yeah... she is," Harry replied for me and he seemed to be in thought and he breathed out his words... did he actually believe it?

The lady said her goodbyes before leaving and once she walked away from us I breathed out and smiled up at Harry, "I'm beautiful yeah?" I teased, poking the dimple that appeared in his cheek when he too smiled.

"Very," he smiled wider and something about his tone didn't appear jokey at all... he couldn't seriously mean it? I mean he's complimented me slightly before but now... this was cute.

"How about now?" I asked him pulling my ugly, troll face.

"Hmm, not so much." Harry winked and walked ahead.

"Uh! I hate you!" I laughed and catched up to him, wrapping my arm around his forearm.

Harry and I entered another store and I soon began roaming the store. I picked up a baggy grey knitted jumper and turned to face Harry.

"Do you like this one?" I asked him, placing the jumper on top of my body.

Harry scrunched his nose and shook his head no.

"What? It's so soft though," I sulked, feeling the material with my palm and Harry too began feeling it.

"Shopping for your sister?" a voice from behind me came. I turned to find Katie and I huffed, pursing my lips. "Oh. Jullian Judge." Katie smirked and I put on my best fake smile.

"Hello Barbie princess." I forced out.

"Who's your friend?" Katie stared at Harry with her tongue inbetween her teeth, slightly smiling while she looked Harry up and down, batting her eyelashes.

Ugh. I hated her.

"I'm Harry," Harry nodded.

"I'm Katie," Katie smiled, showing off her pearl white teeth. "I hope you don't mind me asking but what in the heck are you doing hanging out with Jullian here?" Katie scoffed, still only paying attention to Harry.

"She's my friend," he shrugged. Gee, thanks Harry.

"You're kidding right? The only thing good about her is her smoking hot brother" Katie smiled and glanced at me for a moment before turning her attention back to Harry. Does she realise that I am still standing right between them? Of course she does, she just doesn't care.

I stepped towards her but Harry held my forearm, pulling me back slightly. Katie only fakely laughed.

"Cute jumper," she winked as she walked past me "call me, pretty." Katie whispered to Harry but I could still hear. The clunking of her heels soon faded out of the store.

"Ugh!" I threw the jumper on top of a rack of clothes in frustration.

Harry picked the jumper back up "I thought you liked it?" he handed it back to me.

"Well Katie clearly thinks it's hideous, I could tell." I threw the jumper back down.

"But you liked it," Harry picked it back up, placing it in my hands once again.

"Harry, stop." I pushed the jumper into his chest before storming out of the store.

Why did I always let Katie get to me? Ever since Jacob, my mum and I moved here she's just, she's just hated me. The worst thing was I used to wish she'd be friends with me.

I texted Harry saying I was taking the bus home, feeling slightly bad that I ditched him in the mall. I guess we wouldn't be having our sleepover then.

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