Chapter 4

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The next morning I rolled out of bed a little earlier than usual as I decided last night that I would make an effort into my appearance. I put on slight mascara, covered up the bags underneath my eyes and put on some pink lip gloss. I looked into my mirror and I smiled in approval of the look achieved with minimal effort. 

When I got to school I made my way to maths class where I saw Harry standing outside.

"Why are you out here?" I spoke from behind him.

"Because, I don't wanna go in" he replied, not facing me.

"Why not?" I stepped closer.

"I hate maths."

"I hate school" I replied.

"I hate life" he turned to me and smiled.

"Okay you win Harry," I laughed. "Well you can't just stand out here for an hour, come" linking my arm through his I began leading him down the hall. I was very aware of Harry's gaze on our arms.

We walked out of school and Harry took us to his car. He began driving without either of us speaking another word. 

"You look different today" he stated simply.

"What do you mean?" I turned to him, his attention on the road.

"Are you wearing makeup?" he turned to examine my face slightly before turning his attention back onto the road.

"Yeah I am, tell me it doesn't look completely horrible" I groaned.

"Not completely," Harry grinned, a contagious grin that had me smiling back at him.

"Gee, thanks friend!" I rolled my eyes sarcastically. 

"We shouldn't be doing this" he tone changed.

"Doing what?"


"How'd you figure?"

"Your mum."

"Why do you care what my mum thinks?" I laughed.

"Because," he started then sighed.

"Right.." I looked out the window.

"It's my birthday today" he said and I faced him again.

"What? Really! Well happy birthday Harry!" I cheered.

He smiled.

"What are you doing for it and how old are you turning?"

"Probably just hang with my family and 18" he said still focusing on the road.

"Oh, are you repeating?" I guessed.

"Yep," Harry replied.

"Look are you free today? You might not be cos it's Friday and all.." Harry wondered off.

"What are you getting at?" I said sitting up from my slacked position on the passenger seat.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to come to the dinner my family's having tonight, I guess. It's gonna just be me, my parents and my sister. And you if you decide to show up."

"Why do you want me there? Won't it be awkward?" I bit my lip, slightly worried. I wasn't the best at impressing adults. Most of them took one look at the way I dressed in ripped jeans and baggy shirts with my hair in a high messy bun and already assume i'm a trouble maker. I guess that's why I behave the way that I do, people already assume that I am going to behave a certain way so I might as well just behave the way they expect of me, right?

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