Chapter 18

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When Harry and I got to his house I was glad that it was empty. We both sat on the island in the middle of the kitchen and he weirdly kept staring at me.

"It's like the fifth time I've caught you staring at me today," I laughed "what's up?" I jumped off of the counter and walked closer to Harry.

"I dunno," Harry shurgged and turned around to open the fridge. "You hungry?"

"What you got?" I walked and sat on the counter next to the fridge door.

"Take your pick" Harry spoke before poking his head out of the fridge and shutting the door. He smirked at the sight of me and leaned back against the fridge.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hi," I bit my lip. 

"I wanna show you something." Harry said, grabbed my hand and yanked me up off the counter and towards a door near the kitchen.

"This is my basement" Harry said facing away from me.

"Alright..." I said cautiously "I'm not in danger am I?"

"Would I hurt you?" he said looking into my eyes.

I kept quiet and just followed Harry down into the basement.

On entrance the basement appeared to be small as the stairs leading down to it were very narrow but once we reached the bottom I was shocked by the large space surrounding me. Even more so once Harry had flicked the light switch to the basement. The room was filled with canvases on the ground, some covered by white sheets and others not. There was also a sketch book on a stand at the end of the room with a box of paints and brushes and other art tools spilling out of it.

"What's this?" I asked as I span around the room, taking it all in.

"My art room." Harry half smiled.

"I didn't know you could draw" I said

"Draw, paint," Harry shrugged as I removed one of the white sheets and was surprised by Harry's talent.

"You did this?" I asked, pointing to the painting of a very large house, Harry's house.. he nailed all of the details of his own home.

"Yeah.. I do structures better than people but I try." he replied and went over to the sketch book, closing it and arranging some of his art supplies. 

I titled that canvas downwards and behind it was a painting of a dark haired girl smiling slightly with her mouth clothed, her gaze facing slightly off to the side, she looked very pretty. Harry either accentuated her facial structure or she has the best cheekbones of anyone ever. 

"Not good at drawing people huh?" I teased after seeing that painting.

"What?" Harry asked and began walking towards me as I tilted the canvases, another painting of this girl. In this one she was looking straight at me and there with her hair messy and flowing over her face. 

"Who's she?" I asked as Harry was stood behind me. 

"That's Luna."

"Oh.. your ex-girlfriend" I nodded and felt a sting in my.. my heart. I set back the canvases and turned to see Harry still staring at the stack of paintings. 

"She was pretty." I spoke after a while of silence.

Harry looked down at me and laughed, "Still is, I'm guessing."

I nodded and asked if we could leave.

We went back upstairs to the sitting room and sat on the couch, talking and joking around for hours while the television was playing on a low volume. Then I received a text message.

It was Jacob saying he hoped I was having fun at the festival, I decided not to bother him by telling him what happened.

"It's getting late" Harry said after I put my phone back into my jacket pocket.

"Should I leave?" I teased.

Harry smiled and tackled me down from the couch to the carpeted living room floor.

I hit my head lightly and was laughing, my laughter went insane once Harry began to tickle behind my thighs, I had no idea how he knew that would be my tickle spot.

My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to control my fit. Harry eventually fell on top of me in a heap of laughter as well, his legs and arms surrounding my body as his stomach was flat on top of mine, his head on the left side of my face.

Both of our laughters died down but neither one of us moved from this position. I was comfortable yet my heart was racing. I could feel the movement of Harry's chest rising and falling and I smiled.

"You have such a beautiful smile, Judge." Harry's voice sounded directly into my ear which caused my stomach to tumble.

"How about now?" I replied and turned my head to face Harry as I pulled an ugly face while showing off all of my top teeth.

Harry burst into laughter before replying "Yep, no change there" he chuckled and I did too.

Harry closed his eyes and I stared intensely at his beautiful features. His eyelashes were an amazing length, his lips were beautiful, pink and plump and all of this was framed with a perfectly shaped head. Did I like Harry Styles.. my best friend?

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