Prom (part 1)

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Bonnie's POV
I'm so excited, today is prom and I know what college I got into. So I got into Buffalo University. Wonder what Freddy got into.

I got my tuxedo out of the closet and head to take a shower. A thought ran through my brain. What happens if Freddy didnt get into the same as me.

Freddy's POV

Chica told me that my tux, looks great on me. I told her thanks. She said that Foxy and some other friends are going as a group, but can't find a ride.

I told Chica "I'll drive you guys, but I need to tell you something."

She said "Sure."

"I hate being gay."

Sorry for the short chapter, I don't have lots of time on me, so this is what I can do right now. I want to say thanks for the support over the over the book. The next chapter is a quick q and a so leave your questions in the comments. I really want to answer some questions. It can be about the book or me. See you guys soon

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