The Past part 2

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Freddy's POV

I finish telling Bonnie the whole story. He had this nervous look to him. I asked him what's wrong. He said he has to tell me something.

Bonnie's Flashback

Shad looked so drunk, we were all drinking, but I didn't since I had to drive people home. Chica and Foxy were making out in the back. Shad kept pushing me. He pushed me and the car did a doughnut. We heard a bang noise. We got out the car and saw we hit a guy and a cat. Shad not to tell anyone.

We skin the cat and tear the clothes off the guy. We bury the cat and threw the guy in the trunk. I wiped down the bumper with the clothes. We got into the car and drove to the lake. When we got to the lake, me, Chica and Shad pick up the body. We threw the body into the lake. Shad told us not to tell anyone. A guy came up to us and said he is calling the cops. Shad got the shovel and hit the guy in the head and threw him in the lake. Shad said again not to tell anyone. We agree.

Bonnie's POV

Freddy said me, Chica, Foxy and Shad killed his friend and his cat. I said yes. He ran off crying. I screamed his name. But he didn't hear.

Stand by you (Fronnie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang