✧ Light In the Sky Original Game ✧

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Upon going to your nest after a long hunting patrol, you tumble into the warrior's den and fall asleep

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Upon going to your nest after a long hunting patrol, you tumble into the warrior's den and fall asleep. Almost immediately, your dreams sweep you high into the night sky, where stars swirl around you and inky darkness coats your pelt. A light gray she-cat, her pelt sparkling with otherworldly light, pads through the air towards you. Her pale eyes shine like twin moons as her mouth opens and she tells you three words that may change your entire world - but what do they mean?

Hello! It's Whisper with a brand new WattyWarriors segment. Introducing Light in the Sky, an original Warriors game where every round, you receive a mystical and mysterious prophecy from StarClan that you must deduce the meaning of for your Clan. In each round, first will receive three points, second will receive two points and third place will receive one point.

Requirements to play the game:

✧ Must include the three keywords that the StarClan cat tells you.

✧ The prophecy has to be a sentence long.

✧ Please be kind to each other. Don't hate on someone who has a similar idea.

✧ Don't comment similar prophecies on every single round.

✧ Please do not comment after the round is closed. Such comments will be disregarded.

✧ Have fun and follow the rules.

Prizes (Same as Scriptoral):

✧FOLLOW | A follow from WattyWarriors | forty points✧

✧FACE REVEAL | A face reveal of a WattyWarriors admin of your choice | forty points✧

✧VOTES - 10 | Votes on all chapters of a book with ten or fewer parts | twelve points✧

✧VOTES - 25 | Votes on all chapters of a book with 11 to 25 parts | sixteen points✧

✧Votes+ | Votes on all chapters of a book with 25+ parts | twenty points for 25 parts + six points for every extra five parts✧

✧CRITIQUES - 10 | Chapterly critiques left on a book with ten or fewer parts* | fourteen points✧

✧CRITIQUES - 20 | Chapterly critiques left on a book with 11 to 20 parts* | eighteen points✧

*parts have a maximum of 1k words - if a chapter has 2k, then it'll be considered two chapters and so on (applies only to critiques)

✧SCENE | A roughly 500-word scene written by us with your direction | twenty points✧

✧COVER | A book cover created by us with your direction | fourteen points✧

✧OC GENERATION | An OC created for you by us with your direction | twelve points✧

✧OC CRITIQUE | A critique of one OC | eight points✧

✧OC APPEARANCE | An appearance of your OC in Please Help Hemlockpaw | fourteen points**paw | fourteen points**✧

✧ALLEGIANCE GENERATION | The generation of a set of allegiances for one clan containing up to 20 members | twenty-four points✧

✧ADOPTABLE | An adoptable in the Tribe of Ancient Suns roleplay | fourteen points**✧

**currently not available

✧INTERVIEW | An interview with you done by us within the week of purchase | twenty points✧

✧WA INTERVIEW | A Warriors Art interview of you done by us within the week of purchase | sixteen points✧

✧PROFILE AD | An advertisement of your profile on our message board | twenty points✧

The first round will be posted next week. We hope you enjoy!

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