| SCRIPTORIAL | Round Delta Results |

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Welcome back to Scriptorial : Round Delta!

We'll finally get to see everybody's entries and how they'll fare when rated.

This round WILL contain eliminations. The people with the least amount of points earned in total from all rounds will be dropped from the competition. But don't worry - your effort won't be going to waste! Scriptorial's Reward Station is now open, and you can go spend the points you've earned there! Note that the Reward Station is open only to eliminated participants.



category | description | total points available

villain | how clear the villain is, description, etc. | three points

creativity | how interesting and original the idea is | three points

writing | conventions, technicalities, overall skill | four points


δ | ENTRY ONE | δ

Villain : Tansybite's fear of violets, which originated from an incident during her kithood in which she unknowingly caused the death of a cat named Violetpetal by giving her the wrong herbs.

submitter | Sparrowtuft

villain | 2

creativity | 2

writing | 3

total ranking | 7

δ | ENTRY TWO | δ

Villain : a mysterious and vicious predator resembling a hairy Twoleg which kills two members of Wrentail's family before Twolegs arrive, seemingly murder it, and cart it away.

submitter | Talfli

villain | 2

creativity | 2

writing | 2

total ranking | 6


Villain : Twoleg war birds that shoot lightning from their noses and threaten to destroy StoneClan.

submitter | TytoNoctua

villain | 3

creativity | 3

writing | 4

total ranking | 10

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