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"Mouse dung!"

Scurrying pawsteps scrambled away through the foliage as Cricketpaw lashed his tail in frustration. His dark brown fur rippled and he turned to lick his pelt, but his mentor's disappointed gaze stopped him.

Tangleclaw sighed as the apprentice's whiskers drooped. She turned and began padding back to ShadowClan camp, and Cricketpaw picked up his pace to catch up to her.

"Why are we stopping?" He asked, worry laced into his mew.

"I've lost count of the times you've scared away prey with your shuffling about," the tabby she-cat pointed out. "You've barely caught a single thing since we started training." Cricketpaw was ready with his defense.

"I just needed to make sure my hunting crouch was correct!"

"You get it correct on the first try! You don't need to shift in and out of your position before pouncing," his mentor snapped back, clearly irritated.

Cricketpaw looked down. In all honesty, he had no clue why he repeated the hunter's crouch over and over, but he just...needed to. It felt necessary. So did circling around his nest ten times before falling asleep. And rinsing his paws after every meal. And...there was no use in counting everything.

The dark brown tom looked about his surroundings at the marshy forest. Pine needles crunched under his paws as they trekked through the undergrowth, and faint insect noises buzzed overhead. Cricketpaw flicked away a couple mosquitoes with his ear. Greenleaf was arriving soon.

Eventually, they reached camp, which was a bramble-sheltered hollow in the middle of the territory. Cats milled about with their daily activities; new patrols came and went, queens basked in the sunhigh heat while their kits frolicked about.

Tangleclaw bounded ahead of Cricketpaw without a word towards the leader's den, and his breath caught in his throat. Am I in trouble?

Stomach churning, the apprentice kneaded his claws into the soft ground, his eyes glued to the lichen where his mentor disappeared.

"Hey, Cricketpaw, why so anxious?"

The brown tom jumped in surprise to see his sister Larkpaw behind him. Her amber eyes sparkled in amusement, and Cricketpaw licked his chest fur a bit before answering,

"Just waiting for my mentor to uh, finish talking with Juniperstar." He pawed at the ground again, his fur feeling hot with embarrassment. Cricketpaw had never been much of a troublemaker, but he must've done something really wrong now.

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