Chapter Twenty-four

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“This isn't good Bella. Harry was right, while you were away from him, he was busy chasing you. ” Ginny said. We're at my office now. I managed to convince Tom to let me go to work.

“Speaking about bad things, it is indeed bad, yet the good news is Kiana will stay in the Burrow by day and will sleep in my house at night. I make it look like to Tom that it's good idea. ”

“Ariane hasn't returned yet that's why Hermione can't start the potion yet. ” Ginny informed forlornly.

“Tom isn't hurting me because of the child I'm conceiving but I don't know how long it will last. ” our conversation doesn't make sense now.

“Is he making progress in recruiting? ”

“I believe yes, just yesterday there were two ragged looking wizards came. Well Tom didn't let them in because they're filthy and might be bad for the child as he said. They talk outside which reminds me to get me a pair of those expandable ears so I could hear their plans. ”

“So this will be the tenth people if we count those people you saw coming in your house. Bella you're acting like a spy. If Tom will know about this — there's no saying what he can do. ”

“I know Ginny but this is what we got for now. Are there any reported attacks? ”

“Not yet but we feel some stirring lately. Hermione received a potion ingredients from the gods, I forgot who is it specifically but when Hermione made it and let everyone in the Ministry drink it, it shows that there are at least two people who are under the Imperius Curse. ” Ginny said.

“Tom must've been trying to infiltrate the Ministry again. We should guard Hermione, she's the Minister of Magic. Tom will be after her. She's a pain in the neck back then. ”

“What is the your exact plan before Bellatrix? ” she asked seriously.

“I'll tell you tomorrow night, I'll come over around dinner time and I'll tell you together with everyone so no one will be left out and you can think of a plan. It may not be Tom's actual plan now but at least we can learn something. ”

“Just like Dumbledore. ” Ginny blurted.

“Indeed you are right. ” then Romero came inside, me and Ginny acted like we were sharing some sort of business information.

“Hello Romero, is there something for me to sign? ” I asked as if I don't know anything.

“Yes ma'am. ” he answered monotonously, I don't need those Hermione's potion to tell if Romero is well or not. One of the signs is he isn't monotonous. “These are the parchments that needed your signature. ” he put the parchments on my table not bothering to excuse. Romero is polite and gentleman. “Your husband ma'am would like to remind you that you are to drink your potion ten minutes after lunch and you have an appointment with your healer at three pm. He will be here to accompany you later. ” he didn't make an eye contact. Plus he and Tom doesn't really knew each other I haven't introduced them yet.

“Aren't you going to heal him Bellatrix? ” Ginny asked pitying Romero.

“Is his family secured? ” Ginny nodded. “Good. The other night, using Tom's wand I raised the curse from Romero. I told him about everything and he told me that as long as his family is safe he won't bother to be under the Imperius Curse, if that will keep me from danger. It's my curse Ginny to make sure that Tom won't kill him for some silly mistake. ”

“What makes you so sure that Tom won't kill him afterwards? ” Ginny asked worriedly.

“Romero's family is a pureblood from Argentina. His wife is also a pureblood witch so Tom will let them off as soon as he's done with them. ” I assured Ginny.

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