Chapter Twenty-two - Bellatrix's Torment and Disquietude

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Bella's POV

I woke up feeling groggy after last night's events. Tom really made it sure that I suffer while he enjoys. I manage to get up despite of the pain and soreness. I give myself a quick examination and saw around three awfully large bruises on my left arm. Both of my wrists darkened due to those cords.

I found some other bruises in my other body parts but those aren't my top concerns now. After what happened I need to get out of here. Yet I don't understand why I still love him, maybe it wasn't really gone though it just reborn. I love him as the sweet playful Tom but I've been also crazy inlove with Voldemort.

Tom asked me last night if I didn't miss the old times. I wasn't able to answer this cause I don't know. All I know is that I have no plans of going back there and I'm happy and contented with Kiana and of course with Tom.

I saw my robes that I wore yesterday, despite of the pain, I immediately went to it and look for my wand. Unfortunately Tom took it, which made me sigh in frustration.

“Looking for this. ” it was Tom. I looked up to him, he's standing at the door holding a stick which I recognize to be my wand on his hand.

I realized that I'm still not wearing anything so I put on my robes in order for it to look like I'm fixing it for me to wear. “May I have it? ” I refer to my wand.

“Hell no! ” he yelled and then snap my wand twice and my eyes widened.

I looked at him in disbelief, “Why? ” I found myself asking weakly. That wand symbolizes my reanimation. That I'm a witch again but different.

“Because you're not gonna need a wand especially when you won't get to leave this place ever! ” Tom declared.

“Why? ” I asked courageously.

“Because I hate you and you're in the way.” he spit glaring daggers at me.

“Why do you hate me so much? ” I asked as tears began to form on my eyes.

“Because love is weakness and I hate you being my weakness. ” the way he said it, it felt like I meant nothing.

“Tom do you know the reason why I manage to escape in Azkaban in a middle of a deadly storm? ” I fix my robes.

“Well it is because you knew I've returned Bellatrix. ” he answered confidently.

“Close enough. It is because I love you more than anything else before. ” I'm hurt and I'm ranting. Great another creative way to die, Bellatrix.

“Well now — after what happened I really really hate you Bellatrix! You are hereby the closest person I value. I even train you myself. But look what you give in return! ” Tom yelled.

“I don't care because now I love Kiana more, even more than you! ” my voice slowly rise. “Molly didn't triumphed over me because of skills but because mother's love is the strongest among all! ” I feel something heavy in my chest pocket. I touched it and it felt like a wand.

Tom draw his wand and fired a curse on me which I dodge. I took the stick in my chest pocket and I'm not mistaken it is a wand, not just an ordinary wand but my original wand. A duel was born and bunch of red, scarlet and green lights erupted from each of our wands.

I feel comfortable using my own wand, it feels like my wand has a life of its own and it's helping me. Tom being the master of duels himself manage to throw me out of the house.

Expelliarmus! ” Tom yelled and my wand flew to his direction and he caught it. “Oh, you're very first wand. I didn't know that you attained this back. Did those filthy people gave this to you? ” he said twirling my wand on his hand.

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