Chapter Twenty-five

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Tom's POV

Bellatrix was out of the St. Mungo's, and she was never the same. She would work early in the morning and come home late. When I woke up she's done having her breakfast and ready to go. When she arrived from work it's already late and she's done having her dinner in the office.

We're living together but I don't feel her being with me. She became a stranger to me. I've talked to Ginny one time in the office when I went there to get Bella, Ginny said that Bella's works is fine but she's rather silent, she only talks when there's an important business to be discussed.

It pained me that she hates me. There's this one time when I entered the kitchen and she's there preparing a meal for Kiana, she abruptly stopped and leave the place like I'm some sort of thing that carry an incurable disease.

For almost two months of her being distant, I decided to come to her office so we could talk. She's signing some papers when I arrive at her office. I cleared my throat so she would acknowledge me.

She looked up, “Bellatrix I'm withcalling the wedding. ” her brows furrowed.

“Are you leaving again? ” she asked blankly, I'm not even sure if she wants me to leave or stay.

“No I'm just saying that we can't be wedded next week cause we lack the preparation. Some arrangements were not clear. ”

“What are you trying to say? ” she asked uninterested, and I feel some cold hand crush my heart.

“We can move the date to finalize the arrangements and lengthen the preparations. ” I manage to state blankly afraid I might broke down.

“Yeah sure go ahead. ” she dismised.

I exhaled heavily, “I'll be in the lounge waiting. ” and without a word walked out.

I'm currently waiting in the lounge here in Bella's company. I'm waiting for Bellatrix. What I did must've upset her so I plan to take her out for a change of routine. Her routine has been office - work, work - office. Here she comes.

“Bellatrix, hi. ” I went to her.

“Hey” she said blankly.

“Had your dinner? ” I tried to sound casual.

“No. I plan to come home early and have dinner at the house. ” she answered blankly.

“Really? ” I asked surprised. She gave me a bored look, “How bout I cook dinner for you, for us. It's been ages since the last time. Kiana wants us to be complete in eating dinner. ”

“Kiana asked me about that, that's why I finish everything early. If you're planning to cook go ahead. ” we arrive at the Apparating spot and I offered my hand sign that I would Apparate us to our yard. I don't care how cheesy it sound but I'm overjoyed that Bellatrix took it.


“Den, Arthie sayd dat he wash ablee to arhest dos bad weytch and wayzard dat abyos dere prower. ” Kiana do all the talking during dinner. Me and Bellatrix were simply nodding and constantly reminding her to eat her dinner or one of us will feed her if she doesn't eat.

“Dadda, wen wil I hav a yangger sishter? ” This question make me stop eating. I look at Kiana who is looking at me intently.

“Dear have you remember when mummy got sick? ” she nodded innocently.

“Well your Aunt Lieah, mum's Healer advise mummy that she can't have a baby yet because she's not fully well. ” I took turns in looking Kiana and Bellatrix as I said it.

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