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Twelve years later...

“Mum, I can't wait for Pollux to be sorted in my house. ” Kiana roared when we arrived at the King Cross Station. She's been so ecstatic since yesterday.

Today her brothers and sister will be going to Hogwarts, for their first term.

“Kiana dear, not because you and Pollux are Parselmouth doesn't mean he'll be in the same House with you. Who knows he'll be in Ravenclaw. ” Bellatrix said, so Kiana won't expect so much.

“Well there's also a possibility of that will happen. I have a theory that all four of us will sorted in each Houses. Like me in Slytherin, Pollux in Ravenclaw, Castor in Hufflepuff and Merope in Gryffindor. ” Kiana said cheerfully and I just shook my head. She always says this every year. This upcoming term Kiana will be on her fourth year.

“Why should I be in Hufflepuff Kiana? ” Castor asked. We're loading their trunk to their trolleys, for them to push.

“Because you are sweet and loyal like them. ” Kiana answered, even at fourteen and have her own group of friends, she still never leave her siblings alone. Now where did she get that?

Well Castor is the sweetest child among the triplets. Pollux and Kiana are shrewd and Merope is a determined child like her mum. All of them got my jet black hair while Kiana got Bella's curls, the triplets’ hair were straight like mine.

“You're theory dear is fascinating but its all up to the Sorting hat to place your siblings in what House they will be. ” Bellatrix said, “Now off to the wall Kiana. ”

Kiana ran with her trolley and vanished. Followed by Merope and she also vanished. We're still thirty minutes early because the kids are so excited.

Pollux held my sleeves and when I look at him he's so nervous. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and we run together to the wall. But no collision happens and we emerged to the station 9¾. I miss this place, it makes me want to go back to my home.

Bellatrix and Castor emerged from the wall after us and we put all our children's trunk to the compartment.

“Oh my friends are here. Mum, Dad I'll go to them. ” Kiana kissed her mum and me good bye. We gave her a hug. “You guys can come over to my compartment so you can have a seat. ” Kiana said to her siblings before leaving.

Dad...” Pollux spoke in Parseltounge.

I went to Pollux and kneeled so we could be eye level. “Hey, I know your nervous but you're gonna be alright. You have your siblings with you and we will write to every week if you like. ” I assured.

“I know dad, but what if they won't like me because I'm Parselmouth? ” this made me a bit ashamed. I gave him a reassuring smile and I spoke in Parseltounge.

You and Kiana has thought the but look at her. She has done great.  ” Castor and Merope look at us. They may not be a Parselmouth but they understand Parseltounge.

What do you mean dad? ” he hissed.

Kiana thought that others will fear her or despise her because of her ability but it was the other way around, in fact everyone saw it amazing. You four are amazing, always remember that. ”

The three nodded, “So Kiana isn't messing with us. ” Merope said.

“Besides no one knew aside from Harry and some others that the Chamber can be opened by Parseltounge, nothing to be worried. No one will despise you. ” I ruffled Pollux's hair. “ All three of you, I forbid you to tell everyone where the Chamber is located and of course to open it. But it's up to you if you tell anyone that your a descendant of Slytherin. As for you Pollux it's up to you if you let everyone know that your a Parselmouth.

“Did Kiana let everyone know? ” people began to arrive and we stop talking in Parseltounge.

“Yes she did. No one see it as a bother though. ” I assured him. I saw Kiana peeking from the window mouthing the kids to hop on.

“Now now children. You should hop on now. You're sister is waiting. ” Bellatrix said and she gave them one last kiss and hug.

They went to Kiana's compartment and they open the window. Tall as I am I was able to peek and gave them a reminder.

“Kiana, be careful don't let your siblings get in serious trouble. All of you, no bullying at school. But if someone bullies you I'll let you handle it. ” I earned a good slap on my shoulder from Bella and I just grinned at her.

“Really Tom. That's a very great advice. ” Bellatrix face the children, she also can peek inside cause she's just few inches shorter than me. “You already know that we were a bully before and you knew what we got after that so I would suggest that you won't copy. ” Bellatrix said sternly.

The kids just nodded. One of Kiana's friends came near to the window.

“Hello Mr and Mrs Riddle. I'm Thea, Thea Arnolds. You see when we first saw Kiana on our first year, I said to myself that we should be friends and these girls and boys here has a mutual perception with mine. I mean she's so beautiful. When we get to talk to her we asked her where did she inherited her good looks —” Kiana cleared her throat, me and Bellatrix just chuckled.

“You're again Thea. ” Kiana said.

“Well Kiana is a combination of our looks. She got my hair colour but her mother's curl. She got Bella's beautiful eyes but her nose is mine. As for the chin, me and my wife both have chiselled chin and so does all our children. ” I explained. Kiana's friends consist of two girls and two boys, they're fine with me though.

“I hope you've met our youngest children. ” Bella said.

“No, not yet. ” one of the boys said, he has a chestnut hair and an Asian look. “Hello, there my name is Mark Fuentes, that guy with a dark blonde hair is Gail Bravado” he referred to a boy reading a Hogwarts, A History book, the boy look up and gave a wave.

“And of course you already knew Thea here. While that girl who is reading too is Entice Beilid ” the last girl is wearing a witch clothes that's a bit big on her size, “And you three are? ”

“I'm Dianthusa Riddle. Just call me Diane. ” Merope introduced first and I smiled at her. She made it clear that it's only us who are allowed to call her by her second name.

“Castor, Castor Alexander Riddle. ” Castor introduced slyly.

“And I'm Pollux, Pollux Xavier Riddle” all of them shook hands.

Then the whistle blew. “I guess that's your cue. Be careful kids, have a good term. ” I bid my farewell.

“Know what Mr Riddle you hereby beat Lockhart. He's a famous writer because of his looks. Unfortunately he has gone mad and never recovered. My mum admired him so much. ” Thea said.

“You're right Thea, Kiana here told us that he's a good dueller. ” the boy named Mark look at me. “We hope to see that Mr Riddle. ” I smiled at them.

“You are welcome to visit our house. Me and my wife duelled for fun. ” I close the window glass and back away little.

The train blew its departing whistle and it began to move, increasing it's speed until it round into the corner and it was gone.

Bellatrix hug my torso and whispered. “I know they will have their best time ever. ” I just nodded.

I kiss Bellatrix forehead. I look at the direction where the train had gone. Soon our kids will find that Hogwarts is home.


Thank you guys so much for reading this story. I never thought that I'll get this support.

You guys are AWESOME!

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