Chapter Twelve - New Job

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Tom's POV

The plane landed and when I check my watch it's already half past eight. My... the ride was worse than Apparition. I prefer portkey it's quicker and not sickening. When I walked outside I see my name on a poster carried by a man. Can't tell if he's a muggle or a wizard. I went to him.

"Sir are you Tom Riddle?" he asked when I got near. I nodded and showed him my passport, I dunno why muggle call this that.

"The name's Cameron Ford. This way sir. Ms Joemina McCleary is expecting you. " he lead me into a  muggle car. When I got inside I relax a bit since he's a wizard the car's front seat is extended to be a two-seater.

"This muggle clothes is infuriating. " he blurted when we got inside. He took his wand out and transfigured his muggle suit into navy blue robes. "Much better. I'm thankful that Ms Joan make me fetch a wizard. I sometimes can't stand muggles. " he complained.

"By the looks of it you're a pure blood. "

"I am. How bout you? "

"I'm half. dad's a muggle, mum's a witch. "

"Does your mother locked her wands out?"

"Can't tell, it was during the war. Dad was force to tell them that he's a squib. I thought he's a squib. "

"Lucky her, me sister married a muggle and locked her wand out. Blimey we're here already. It's near to the airport. Sometimes when I talked to much I would miss it and go all the way to the highway. "We went inside a massive gate that has a large 'Mc' on the center. Drove inside a tall structure. 

"We park our car here in the basement. I believe you already knew your position. It really fits you though. I'm not gay or something but got to admit you're good looking and the job that you got suits you perfectly. You don't need to used love potions and other Charms to make customer buy our products and goods. "

"Well my previous job doesn't really differ from this one. " I said.

"Well let's get inside so you can meet our boss and you can settle. "
We went inside the elevator and pressed the button for last floor which is floor twenty-three. That must be where the office of the owner is located. When we arrive at the top floor, the first thing I saw is a straight narrow hallway and a single cubicle on it's center. 

"Office of the President and Vice President. " Ford said. "Left door is for the president and the door on the right is for the vice. " we approach the cubicle and saw a skinny rather petite woman. When she look up for the newcomer, she has a long nose and a high cheekbones that emphasize how skinny she is. 

"Good morning. " I greeted. Ford whispers that she's a muggle. 

"Morning to you too. Mr Ford, looking funny again. " she beamed. 

"Just making an impression Ms Angeles. 'Nyways, is the president here? " he became formal. 

"Yes, she is expecting for you two. You may go inside. " she answered. 

We knock on the door. We heard a small 'come in' from the other side,  and went inside. The office is large. Floor to ceiling glass window that overview the city beneath. Gray carpets bedded the office table and it's near the glass window. The is made of wood or it's just what it looks like. It has four portraits on each side of the table. and I know that it can move, it's just pretending not to. 

"If you're waiting for them to move you have to tell them to. " a middle aged woman said. 

"Oh, good morning ma'am. " I greeted then went to the portraits again. "It's okay, you are free to move. " but they didn't move. I draw my wand out and show it to them. When they saw it, that's when they start to move. Muttering on their breaths, if they still have one. 

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