Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

The microwave had beeped a while ago but I hadn't even noticed it. I'd been so engrossed in what Symonee had been saying that I couldn't interrupt her.

" you know Dryan has been going crazy without those kids...right? I mean, I understand that you felt alone but that man deserves to see his kids."

" I know I fucked up, Okay? That's why I started to send him pictures of the kids. I'm going to start bringing the kids to see him and everything. I just...I really want to make everything right."

" What the hell does that mean? Are you coming back home or not? We miss the fuck out of you and we love you."

Symonee was about to respond when her cell phone began ringing. She pulled it out of her skirt- where it had been held in place between the waist of the skirt and her hip- and answer it. That was another thing that was different about her- she was wearing a skirt. I knew firsthand how much she hated them but there she was wearing one anyway.

" mom- no I'm just- I'll be- okay." She hung up. " I have to go."

" wait, what?" I grabbed her arm as she turned to walk away. " You just got here. Where are you going? Where are the kids? Have you spoken to Dryan? Are you coming home?"

" I'm going back to New York, my kids are there with my mom, no I haven't spoken to Dryan, and... yes I'm coming home."

" when?"

She shrugged. " I don't know. I have to stay with my mom for a while. Her and her husband are going through a divorce and she needs me. Plus, she said that if I stayed for six months she'd give me access to my trust fund."

" is it really worth it, Symonee? You're going to stay with her for money?"

" it's more than that Lex. My family is just different. I just-" She shook her head. " i have to go. My flight leaves in like an hour."

I followed her out of the kitchen and toward the front door. " what the hell, Symonee? You can't just pop up and fucking disappear again. Everybody wants to see you. Just stay for at least a day."

" I can't-"

" please!" I begged more than just that once before she finally agreed. We sat in the living room on the couch, drinking tea and just talked. It felt good to have her back. Even though she looked different on the outside, she was still the same fucking Symonee that I loved.

I realized that she just wanted to make her mother happy. Her entire life shed been trying to do that but it never seemed to be enough- she never seemed to be enough. I felt bad for her because hers was a struggle that I could not relate to. I'd always received more love from my mother than I knew what to do with, even at my worst.

We talked for about thirty minutes before Tyrone showed up. He didn't pretend to be angry with Symonee or hurt, all he was relieved. Without any questions, he picked her up from the couch and spun her around in his arms. His eyes were lighting up like I knew they would. They had missed each other tremendously.

And then they talk for another long while before I decided that it was bedtime.

" Ty, Symonee and I are sleeping in the room."

" aight." I stood up from the couch and he pulled me into a hug. " good luck falling asleep again without my dick inside of you." He Whispered.

I laughed before pushing him away. " shut the fuck up. All I need is my best friend." I looked at Symonee and she was just staring between us analyzing everything. She didn't look angry, just weirded out.

" you're not mad, are you?" I asked just to be on the safe side.

" no. Ive thought about you guy's relationship and I'm fine with it. I just dont want to be lied to, that's it."

" no more lying," I agreed. " no more secrets, and no more running away either."

She thought about it for a moment befoee smiling. Tyrone kissed up both goodnight, giving Symonee a quick one on the cheek and me a quick one on the lips. I longed for more but i tried to stay focused.

I gave Symonee clothes to sleep in and after she changed we dove face first into my bed. Tyrone was right, I couldn't sleep. Knowing that he was only a room away made me want to go to him but i had to restrain myself.

When the sun started to rise I finally got out of bed and creeped into the living room. To my surprise, Tyrone was sitting on the couch wide awake staring at a muted tv. He looked dazed, and when I cleared my throat to get his attention I could tell that he had been in deep thought.

" I couldnt sleep." He admitted quickly. " I kept thinking she was gonna to sneak out in the middle of the night. I've never been scared of losing anything, except losing you or losing one of my kids, man."

I didnt respond until I was curled up on the couch next to him. " You're not losing anybody, babe. Dryan is safe, Symonee is safe... I'm safe. Now get some rest."

" I'll try." After a pause he whispered. " I love you, Lex."

" I love you too, Ty."

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