Chapter 58

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The Next Week

Knock Knock Knock

"It's open" Lucy said who were busy typing on her laptop. The door was pushed opened and Layla walked in, dressed in a grey long sleeve top and long grey skirt, along with some black heels.

"Hey baby, how are you holding up?" Layla asked and Lucy nodded, her eyes in the laptop's screen.

"I'm holding up fine mom" she responded and Layla's eyes landed on the sleeping Nashi that laid covered up on the bed. "Good, your dad and I were planning to go out tonight, do you need anything?"

Lucy shook her head.

"Are you sure?" Layla asked again, walking towards Lucy. Lucy took off her reading glasses and faced her mother, "Yeah, it's all good" she said. Layla leaned down to place a kiss on Lucy's forehead.

"Mwuah!" "Gross mom.." Lucy chuckled while wiping off the kiss mark on her forehead. "Hey don't wipe my kiss" Layla chuckled along before asking "What are you doing there?"

"I'm thinking about getting my education back, I'm just seeking information on how to and maybe if I succe-" Layla cut her off "You will succeed Lucy because you are a smart young woman"

Lucy looked up at her mother and smiled. "Thank you mom" Layla looked down at her and returned the smile.

"I'll bring back ice cream for Nashi" "She loves chocolate so get her that" Lucy said while her mother walked to the door of her room.

"Okay continue to do what you're doing" Layla said.

"Be careful" Lucy said. Layla held on to the door and looked back at her "You too and make good choices okay?"

"I will mom, just..thank you for looking out for me" Lucy smiled, wiping her eyes. "I will always look out for my daughter Lucy, I love you" "I love you too" Layla quickly walked towards her and gave her another hug.


Knock Knock Knock

Knock Knock Knock

"Natsu" Psycho called as he knocked Natsu's room door again.

Knock Knock Knock

"Natsu" Psycho pushed opened the door and was anything but surprised at the empty room. Basically empty room.

Everything was gone, Natsu's clothes, his bags everything. All that was in the room was the mattress.

"Wait.." Psycho looked confused at the sight.


There sitting on a big rock was the pink hair guy. He sighed to himself, watching the river fall infront him. Being alone in a forest what some what relaxing for Natsu. He needed to get his head straight.

He looked down at the running water and slightly smiled. This was the same river they dumped the girl's body in. What was her name again?

"I ain't have no idea but she was number one.." Natsu closed his eyes, he was ready but just needed one more thing..more like person.

He took out his phone and dialed a number.


Ring Ring Ring

"Hello?" Lucy answered instantly. "..." "Natsu is that you?" Lucy asked, looking back in her laptop.

"Lucky guess..heh how did you know it was me?" "Because you're the only one who takes a while before answering on the phone" Lucy responded, smiling.

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