Chapter 3

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"Hmm.." Lucy hummed, observing a picture of a blonde haired girl and pink haired boy drawn on her sketch pad.

"Wow.." she slightly smiled, trying her not to cringe.

This drawing took up half her class time to complete. She needed advice on her master piece. "Erza" Lucy called. A scarlet hair female who sat infront turned to face her blonde hair friend.

"Yes Lucy" her stern voice questioned.

"Give me your opinion on this drawing" Lucy stated, showing Erza her sketch pad with a grin.

Erza observed the two stickmans Lucy drew with strokes of yellow and pink hair. 

Erza's mouth curled up.

"Well, how does it look?" Lucy questioned, knowing full well her friend was going to laugh.

"Maybe you can consider taking after school art lessons" Erza suggested as Lucy gasped. "Rude, it isn't so bad Erza this took me a good while to complete" Lucy grumbled in embarrassment.

"Juvia" Erza called to the blue haired girl who sat besides her. "Y-yes Erza" Juvia replied.

"Juvia, look what Lucy drew" Juvia held the sketch pad in hand watching the drawing. "I think it's Lucy and Natsu" Juvia stated and Lucy grinned.

"Yeah, that's us. See Erza" Lucy boasted.

"You draw like a 4 year old" Juvia added. 

"Look how she drew Natsu's eye" the two friends chuckled and Lucy grumbled. "It still looks good anyway now give it back!" "Okay, okay grumpy, your drawing will look better if you improve" "That's what I said"

Lucy took back her sketch but someone snatched it from her hands. "Hey!" the three girls turned to the grabber and laughed, except for Lucy.

She was still upset that he lied to her.

"Is this suppose to be me?" Natsu asked, pointing at a disfigured stickman.

Lucy shrugged as Erza and Juvia giggled.

"Do you like it or something?" She hate staying mad at him.

"It looks.. okay" Lucy smiled, "In a way.." Natsu added and she pouted. "Oh, okay well lucky for you guys it ain't my best" "Great" Lucy glared at Natsu.

"Oh baby you know I'm just kidding" Natsu said, leaning in to give his girlfriend a hug. "I'd doubt that" Lucy braced his hug, taking back her sketch.

He sighed. "You still angry at me?"

"Not angry. Disappointed"

Both Erza and Juvia watched each other preparing for drama.

"Lucy, baby, watch me" he pleaded, turning her face to look at him.

"What do you want Dragneel? Don't you have a different class to attend? Why are you in art class you can't draw to save your life"

"Hmm, kettle calling pot black"

"What do you want"

"Please, don't be mad at me" "I'm not mad" "Then talk to me" "I have nothing to say to you Natsu" "Are you still angry over this morning Luce?" "You're just a liar Natsu that's all. You only take me for a fool" "You know that's not true Luce. Say what, what are you doing after school" 

"Don't try to change this" Lucy couldn't help but chuckle, he was too cute sometimes.

"See, that's the smile I want" Natsu grinned, leaning to peck her lips.

ConsequencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora