Chapter 27

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They both broke the hug and Natsu smiled at his daughter, "Look how big you've grown Nashi" he whispered and she nodded in agreement "I eat alot" she rubbed her stomach and he laughed, looking at the door and Lucy quickly hid away, hoping he never did seen her.

He returned to his daughter and smiled "Are you staying?" Nashi asked and he shook his head "Not tonight" her expression changed "Wh-what?" she asked and he stood up "I can't stay baby, daddy's gotta go back to wor-" "But you just came" she cut him off and said, showing a sad expression.

"I know baby but I can't stay uh..what about I read you a bed time story-" "No" she walked forward and wrapped her arms around his legs. "I want you to stay.." she said and he sighed.

Lucy decided it was time she walk in now, she leared her throat before she entered the room with the plate of cookies. "Here you go-" "Sorry but I'm not hungry" Natsu said then Nashi started crying. "Natsu" Lucy groaned. "I'm not hungry ok-" "Nashi made this for you, eat it"

He gave her a glare "I got to go now" "No.." Nashi cried, hugging him tighter "you can't go.." she backed away and looked up at him, revealing her teary eyes. "Please don't go daddy.." Natsu looked down at her and sighed before he picked her up and rest her on his right hip.

She wrapped her arm around him, crying harder. Natsu sighed before he looked at Lucy. "Give it to me" he stretched a hand for the plate and she gave it to him. "Leave.." he said and she rolled her eyes "I wo-" "Lucy" he gave her a serious look and the woman sighed "Fine" she walked towards the door and shut it close behind her.

Natsu sighed again, walking with his daughter towards her bed "Don't cry.." he whispered, putting her down in the middle of the bed. "You're gonna leave me again.." she cried, covering her face. "No I won't, I'll come back it's just that...daddy's very very busy" she continued sobbing and he didn't know what to do to cheer her up.

"Um.." he took hold of a cookie and took a bite out of it "See..mmm" she watched him, still crying. "You hate it.." she sobbed "What, no it tastes amazing..see.." he ate the rest in a bite and smiled. "Mm.." she continued to cry, covering her face. "Nashi.." he took hold of her hands and part them away from her face.

"Don't cry..daddy'll be back soon" "'re lying" she cried "No I'll be back tomorrow morning, I pro-" Natsu cut himself off, he couldn't promise her that.

She stopped her crying, wiping her tears but her shoulders still shook. "N-no y-you w-wouldn't I-I" he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her " me Nashi..I'll be back..don't cry..please, you'll break daddy's heart.." she wrapped her arms around him as well, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I l-love you.." she whispered and he nodded "I love you too.." they broke the hug and he smiled at her, wiping more of her tears. "You're don't want to cry now would yo-" "Are you sure you're coming tomorrow?" she asked, playing with her fingers.

"Of course I am" Natsu said, smiling. "Promise?" she asked and he paused "Huh?" "Promise me you'll come home tomorrow" she whispered and he sighed "Nashi I can't make any promises-" "I knew it.." she sighed, looking back down at her hands. "you're gonna take forever to come back're always busy at work.." she mumbled.

Natsu sighed, rubbing her shoulders. "Nashi..don't think that your father's always busy he doesn't have time for you, I will make time okay and I'll see you first thing tomorrow" "But it's night, it's too late for work daddy" Nashi said. "It's never too late for anything sweety" he stood up "now go to bed, okay?"

Nashi laid back on her bed, her father covering her with the blankets. "Daddy'll behome by tomorrow...he promised me that" she said to herself and Natsu smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Nashi.." "Good night daddy"


Natsu walked out the room and closed thee door slightly, he turned to Lucy who had her arms crossed. "So let me get this straight, you left Nashi home alone while you ran out?'' Natsu asked Lucy who scoffed.

"What do you care-" "Lucy you can get arrested for that" Lucy rolled her eyes "Feel I don't know, it's a risk I'm taking" she said and he rolled his eyes "Lucky Nashi was safe" he walked towards the front door but Lucy stopped him "Where the hell do you think you're-" "Home" he replied, turning the door knob.

"Natsu the reason why I leave her alone is because..I'm having a difficulty dealing with my depression, I have to walk it out or do something and in this area..there is no one I can trust to watch over my baby girl" Natsu turned to her, closing back the door. "You're sufering with depression?" "Yes, I am, wanna make fun of that too?" he tched.

"Good bye Luc-" "When are you going to see your daughter-" "Whenever I can okay" he gave her a glare, opening the door "She-" Lucy stopped herself, biting her lips. "She what?" "Just...just go now realized you had a daughter so..and I know you won't come back, you're a poor excuse for a father" she shook her head.

"Same old Lucy..." he whispered before he walked out the door and slammed the door shut behind him.

Lucy sighed again, face palming herself while she took a seat on the chair. Natsu's a jackass and he always will be.. she couldn't believe she fell in love with that fucker.

"Damn I hate him.." the mother grumbled.

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