Chapter 51

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The door opened making a creak sound and the blonde slowly walked inside, looking around in the apartment. Psycho walked behind her, closing the door shut. "Listen.." he whispered and Lucy turned to him, raising her brow. "I want you to be quiet okay?" he asked "What for, is the big boogeyman going to attack us?" Lucy asked as she made a fake gasp.

Psycho rolled his eyes at her before saying "Just be quiet okay" he walked forward and Lucy watched him "follow me" he said and the blonde sighed before she followed him. "Where is Natsu anyway?" she asked/whispered. "He's probably asleep this hour" Psycho said. "What, it's around one in the afternoon" she said.

"I know, the guy's been asleep since yesterday evening and hates for anyone to try to talk to him and wake him" "What'll happen if he wakes?" Psycho turned to the blonde and pointed at his nose. "Oh..sorry" Lucy whispered before the two continued walking. Psycho made a final stop as he faced a door, Lucy stopping as well.

They stared at it then Psycho took a step back, turning to Lucy. "What?" she asked. "Go on, he'll really need your help since you know..I'll just get in the way" he gave her a key and she looked down at it. "I'll be right outside and once again thanks for helping, I can see you really care for him after all" he walked away from her and Lucy sighed.

She shook her head before she slid the key through the door knob.

The door was slowly pushed opened and Lucy popped her head in. She looked around in the room which looked a total mess. Broken glass scattered on the floor, the mattress looked blood stained and the wall that held multiples of hole in it. Lucy took one step in the room and asked softly "Nats-" she suddenly felt hands grab her shoulders.

Everything happened so fast. Next thing she heard the door being kicked shut and she was pushed roughly against the door. A squeak escaped her lips as she stared the man that gripped her shoulders. "Why can't you all just leave me the hell alone.." Natsu groaned as he stared at her.

Her lips trembled. This was Natsu? He looked..bad. His hair mad out, it looked like he washed it for days, under his pink coloured eyes dark and baggy. His shirt torn up along with the pants he wore and as Lucy observed, his skin was also scratched up. "Nats-" he backed away from her and held his head.

"Please..go home" "H-huh?" "Look, I know Psycho called you saying that I'm paranoid but I'm" "You look the total opposite of fine" Lucy said and he watched her and glared. Lucy took a step forward and he took one back "What happened to you?" she asked and he groaned. "Lucy, please go I don't want to do anything to you that I'll regret after" he said. "Like what?" she raised her brow.

"Kill you, Luce this things keep repeating stuff in my head to kill and it's driving me crazy" he clutched his hair and groaned out loud. "And it wouldn't leave me alone!" he knelt down on his knees and broke down crying, facing the floor.

"Natsu..." Lucy took a step close and he panicked "Don't!" she ignored him and squat down infront of him. "Hey" he ignored her as he faced down. "Natsu.." she held his hands that were gripping his head as if he wanted to squash it. "They...they won't leave me alone.." Natsu whispered, his tear drops falling and splashing once in contact with the floor.

"Let go of your head" Lucy said, trying to pull away his hands but he didn't stopped squeezing his head. "please.." hearing her beg made him some how relaxed. He slowly let go of his head and Lucy helped moved his hands away. He slowly looked up at her, revealing his teary eyes.

"Come on..tell me what happened" Lucy whispered as she wiped his tears away with her hands.

Natsu stared at her, not saying a word. He looked up at her when she stood up then looked at the hand that she offered. "Come on" Lucy smiled at him then he looked back down "You don't understand Lucy.." he whispered. "That is why you're going to help me understand, you're a bit paranoid right now-come on"

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