Chapter 13

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The pink hair boy sighed, walking into the cafeteria, headphones in his ears. His eyes were stuck in his phone, reading messages and replying to some.

"There he is.." a girl student whispered to whispered to a boy student. "What about him?" the guy asked and she scoffed at him "Haven't you heard the new gossip, Natsu was caught cheating with both Lucy and Lisanna" she whispered, watching Natsu walk by.

"Seriously?" she nodded "Yeah" "Wow I didn't knew he was a player" the guy watched Natsu. "Yeah, so you know what that means.." the girl smirked "What what means?" he asked confused. "I'm not lying but you're an idiot John, it means Natsu is single again" she squealed with joy. "Um...why do I care now?" she rolled her eyes at him before standing up "Never mind, you're a waste of time talking to" she walked away from him and towards Natsu who sat by his own table.

He was chuckled, deep in his phone but stopped when someone cleared their throat. Natsu looked up at the short brown hair girl, who was looking at the ground, a blush on her face. "Hey there Natsu.." she looked up at him "You may not re-" he cut her off "I do, Stacy right, you helped me with history last time" he put down his phone and smiled at her.

"Yeah..." she nodded "What's up?" he asked, giving off a grin which made her heart melt.

"Um...well I..I heard you were single again and I thought know..maybe we can go out some time or-" he cut her off "I'm sorry Stacy really but I just got out a relationship so I..that won't.." he sighed "Oh no it's okay really I...I'm..I go now.." she quickly walked away from his table and Natsu sighed again.

He looked back at his phone, watching the wallpaper on his phone. It was a picture of him and Lucy during the carnival, they both held cotton candy in their hands, smiling at the camera.

"Oh those were the days.." he mumbled before he put his phone away in his pocket.

"Yo flame head" Gray said, walking up to the table and taking a seat besides the depressed looking boy. " block.." Natsu mumbled, picking up his drink. "What's up with you?" Gray asked, raising a dark brow.

"Oh nothing,considering the fact that Lucy and Lisanna broke up with me" Natsu rolled his eyes "Well that's good, was planning on telling them soon you know" Natsu glared at Gray. "Whatever, they aren't my girlfriends no longer, just gonna...start a new life" Gray tched. "I always told you that you don't have a single clue on what you're doing with your life-" "Shut up Gray, mind your own buisness for once"

It was Gray's turn to glare at him now. "Are you serious Nat-" "Tch" a grumpy voice said and the two turned to Gajeel who sat infront of the two. "Ur.." "What" Gajeel spat before unwrapping his lunch.

"Looks like Gajeel's mom made him the wrong breakfast this morning" Natsu whispered and Gray chuckled. "Shut up, not on the mood" Gajeel grumbled. "What never got laid?" "Shut up" "Mother drama?" "Shut it" "You realized you're into guys?" Gajeel paused, looking at Natsu "Are you serious dumbass"

Gray also turned to Natsu "He's probably the gay one Gajeel" Natsu glared at Gray before snatching his burger away from him. "Hey!"


"Okay you guys now for history, I need some answers because we have test after lunch" Jellal said, dropping a pile of papers on the table. "Tch, not again" Natsu groaned, narrowing his eyes.

He looked at everyone who sat by their tables, chatting away while they ate their lunches, he was really looking for a certain blonde, but he never saw her today, she probably was at home. He then sighed again, she was probably too depressed and angry to meet eyes with him. "Hey um Gajeel...did you saw Luce today?" Gajeel grunted at him going back to his lunch.

"Gray, Jellal, did you two saw Lucy today?" Natsu asked "Oh yeah, she came, I saw her hanging with that blonde guys fellow" Jellal said.

"Wait...what?" "I think his name is Sting or something like that" Jellal mumbled, rubbing his chin.


"Yeah, so what?" Natsu glared at Jellal before packing up his lunch and walking away. "Hey where are you going Natsu!" he ignored Gray and walked out the cafeteria with gritted teeth.

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