Chapter 53

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"Shit..shit..move people!" Jerry yelled as he pushed people aside running at rapid speed through town. He shoved a man aside, a lady even a pregnant woman who fell on the ground. "Ah!" he heard the pained cry she bawled out but he didn't cared, he was focused on himself.

Natsu ran into town and stopped, looking around. He then saw people crowding over a lady who clutched her big stomach. He approached them and asked "Has anyone saw a guy-" "You mean that monster who pushed this harmless lady, he went that way" the man pointed behind him and Natsu nodded.

He started running. The babysitter then entered the village "Has anyone seen my boyfriend?" she asked the crowd and the pregnant lady groaned. "He went that way" the man repeated his action and she nodded, taking off in the direction.

"Move it!" a little child was pushed aside and accidently fell on the ground. People gasped in horror as Jerry ran away and the child started to cry. Natsu saw the scene before him, he wasn't intending to stop but he stopped. He looked down at the crying child. "Hey" he said as he pulled her up to her feet and she looked up at him, sniffling. "It'll be" he quickly took out a 100 dollar bill and hand it to her.

"Buy something nice" he said before he ran off into Jerry's direction. The little child smiled, wiping her tears before she walked towards a man who sells delicious treats and asked "Can I get 100 dollars in candy please" she smiled politely.

Damn Natsu's feet was burning but that didn't stop him from getting on to that sick fucker. He had to get his hands on him. He watched as Jerry ran into an alleyway. Natsu smirked to himself before he followed in. "You better stop running!" Natsu warned and Jerry shook his head.

Natsu then stopped, realizing he had his safety weapon on him. He pulled out his pistol behind his back and aimed at the running Jerry.

"Say bye bye bitch.." he shot three bullets in the air and all went straight through Jerry's back. "Agh!" was the cry of Jerry as he fell down on his face in the puddle of dirty water.


Jerry's body trembled as he tried to process what happened. He tried to talk but just ragged breaths came flowing out his mouth along with blood. He kept trembling, hearing Natsu's footsteps approaching. "T-th-th-th.." Jerry tried to form words but failed. "Next time..never touch a man's daughter" he heard the man say and his eyes widened in horror.

Natsu smirked, becoming evil again and he clicked back the gun and said "I'll see ya in hell". He shot a bullet through the back of the man's head and there laid Jerry's now dead body as his face drowned in the puddle of water. Natsu looked up as the rain started to fall. A flash of lightning appeared along with thunder and Natsu smiled to himself, feeling the heavy drops of rain splashed onto him.

He didn't knew it felt so good in killing guilty people. He chuckled.

He stopped when he heard a squeak and turned and saw the purple hair girl there by the entrance of the alley. She covered her mouth as tears escaped her eyes. "Jerry..." she cried then gasped as Natsu aimed his gun directly at her. "Shit" she quickly took off running then Natsu sighed to himself, putting down the gun.


Britney, being the name of the sitter hurriedly ran all the way home. She lived in town in an apartment close by. She was scared, shocked and crying as she ran through the rain. All she focused was on getting home and calling her mother. She looked behind her and saw no one but the people who was running to shelters due to the rain.

She was happy she wasn't followed then quickly ran up the stairs of her home. She opened the gates and quickly took out keys as she struggled to unlock the front door. When it was in and she turned it, she opened the door and ran in, locking it back.

ConsequencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora