Chapter 4

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"Wow, Natsu got suspended? What for?" a blonde haired woman asked. She sat across her identical daughter on the teen's bed.

"I don't even know Mom, he won't tell me anything at all" Lucy explained to her mother, Layla, sighing. She felt an upcoming headache. Natsu will be the death of her. 

"I don't get favourite favourite son in law.." Lucy rolled her eyes "wouldn't tell my daughter how he got suspended?" "Yeah...he said he was coming over tonight but 15 minutes ago I got this text" Lucy sighed, picking up her phone and going through messages.

"There it is...look" she showed the screen to Layla and her mother read the message.

Natsu: I'm really really sorry Luce, can't make it tonight, got to go somewhere with mom atm, see you tomorrow okay, night love you ;)

"Wow Natsu can be really sneaky..." Layla said "What makes you say that?" Lucy asked, taking her phone away "Sorry hunny, this might make you feel a way but..Natsu's hiding something" Lucy gave her mother a look "I know...and I want to know what exactly.." "Hmm.." Layla rubbed her chin "You know what hunny.." "What?" "Call Ms. Grandine- you know what I'll call her" Layla dug in her phone pocket and took out her cell phone.

"Why are we calling Grandine mom?" Lucy asked.

Layla ignored her and dialed a number, placing the phone by her ear. "Mom!" "Shh.." Lucy stared at her crazy mother in shock. "Hello goodnight Ms. Grandine.." Layla smiled.

"Mom.." Lucy whispered. "Yes's just Lucy, oh she wanted to know where you and Natsu went off know her" Lucy glared at her mother but was also anxious.

"Oh.." Layla's face expression changed, making Lucy worry more. "Okay..goodnight bye" Layla hung up the phone and watched her daughter. "What what did she say?!"

"She said...she and her son weren't doing nothing, she's at home with her husband and Wendy" Lucy gasped "So where's Natsu?" "Layla said he went out saying he's going by his friend" "Who friend? Gray?" "I don't know...but Natsu's one liar, I can't stand boys who lie..especially to my daughter" Lucy sighed, taking her phone and typing in letters, looking frustrated " what are you doing?" Layla took the phone from her daughter.

"Mom I was going to text him!" Lucy stretched for the phone but Layla kept it out of her reach. "No Lucy you can't just go typing in threats" "It wasn't threats I just wanted to know why he lied to me- he always lie to me" "Lucy stop" "I..I just don't get him at all" Lucy whispered, feeling her eyes sting.

"Come on Lucy..don't go" she quickly hugged her mother, crying on her shoulder. "I don't get him at all..." the blonde cried, holding her mother tight. "Come on hunny, you don't know if he got important things to do with that friend.." "But he could of -sniff- he could of told me instead of lying to me....I sometimes get the feeling that..."

"That what hunny?"

"That he's cheating on me.."


In Someone's Home


"Wow...." Lisanna sighed, putting a hand on her face to wipe her sweat away, turning to her right to look at her boyfriend. "That was..." she said "Amazing.." he sighed, wrapping an arm around her, pulling her naked body close to his, their bodies slick with sweat. "I love you.." Lisanna whispered.

"Hmm..." Natsu smiled. "You heard me?" "Oh yeah I heard you.." he said, looking up at the ceiling. " got suspended too huh?" " sucks, missing out a week on school.." Lisanna mumbled "Yeah..but lucky that principal loved me so we got a week instead of...getting expelled" Natsu said.

"Yeah, true that, that principal's so cool" Lisanna sat up on her bed and got off, Natsu watching her in confusion "Where are you going?" he asked "To the shower..." she replied, scratching behind her hair, walking butt naked to the bathroom next to her room. "Want me to join you?" "No!" she slammed the door and he chuckled, sitting up on the bed and checking his phone that laid on the night stand.

"Wow..what a some missed 4 missed calls from Lucy" he whispered, he got some messages from her. "Shit.."

Lucy: Bye Natsu..

"What's?" Natsu asked himself, confused by the message, when he heard the shower running, he quickly dialed her number. "Hope she'll pick up.."



Something vibrated under the teen, waking her up a bit. "Ur..." Lucy's eyes tiredly opened beep... she took the phone under her and looked at the screen, squinting her eyes due to the bright light. "Ur...what does he want now.." she answered the call and placed the phone on her ear.

"Mm.." "Lucy...hey you're up.." the familiar voice said and Lucy could hear a shower running in the background. "What do you want Dragneel.." she groaned, pretty much irritated. "I just wanted to know how you're-" "Fine, is that all?" "Luce what's wrong-" "I'm pretty much tired and I have school tomorrow so do you have anything important to so bye" "Lucy wai-" she hung up on him, hitting her face on her pillow and throwing her phone away.

"Boys...why do they lie.." she groaned.

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